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Except for...

Except what ? Except that before Joshua had even started to get nibbled, he'd been pulled backwards and there was nothing he could do. Now he's tied up and being carried off to who knows where, but he's reassured that Minghao is with him. Okay, he's a bit angry and scary, but that's just a minor detail...

" Damn, you let me see my man..." Says Minghao

" Calm down, kitten..." A hunter replies.

" Already don't call me that, dickhead ! "

" He's a rebel too..."

" Go fuck yourself and let me see my Junnie, dammit ! "

" And what do I get in return ? "

Minghao looked away in disgust, Joshua was under enormous stress. They arrived at a large building, where they were forcibly taken to a cell plunged into darkness, Joshua with the little strength he had left approached his younger, the latter looked sadly at the younger man then saw a hook in the distance...

" I'm a genius ! Come on." Says the younger.

The two boys approach the hook and manage to unhook their bonds, their hands free at last, Minghao looks at his mark.

" Give me your hand..."

" What for ? "

" I'm going to teleport us to Jeonghan and Jun..."

" Are they in the same room ? "

" Yes I feel it, like Seungcheol and Chan..."

" Why is Chan here ? "

" Because he's following Seungcheol everywhere from now on so when we fought he was there, so those fuckers took him too. "

" Fuck."

" Come on, let's save them. "

Joshua holds on to his younger and sees different colors, and in the end, they arrive in an even darker cell, their only clue that there are people there is crying. Minghao is relieved, and clings to his boyfriend...

" Joshua hyung save Jeonghan ! I beg you."

A light slowly appears.

" Do I know you ? "

" Ah Master Wonwoo and Mingyu ? "

" Yes, well save me that mollusc there..." Mingyu replies.

" Is he going to die ? "

" No, but your blood is imperative..." Wonwoo retorts.

" How do I do it ? "

" You approach him, stretch your neck, and he'll do the rest."

" Thank you..."

" You're welcome! Well, we're off to see Seungcheol..."

" Ah can you-"

The two boys have already disappeared, Joshua regains his senses and approaches the vampire once more from his point of view, it really looks like he's dead, but the closer he gets, the more he hears the vampire's minimal breathing.

He sticks his neck to the almost-dead man's mouth and the latter puts his mouth on his neck, then sinks his teeth into the flesh. Joshua recoils in surprise, but the vampire doesn't seem to mind, continuing to suck in the reddish liquid. He even manages to get to his feet, his younger's blood doing him a world of good.

In the process of saving his life, he sees the younger man's body begin to tremble, and once Jeonghan has finished drinking the younger man's blood, he starts to faint. He literally falls into Jeonghan's arms, and Jeonghan strokes his hair...

" He'll be fine in a little while, normally." says

" Yes Jeonghan, he needs to rest..." Jun said softly.

" Yes it's an emotional elevator for him right now..."

" And then you turned him..."

" So we're necessarily together now ? "

" Logically yes." Minghao replies

Minghao's mark begins to glow strongly, burning our vampires' eyes, then the glow diminishes and Minghao notices that his previously white mark is now blue, purple...

" That means mission accomplished as your Cupid..."

" How the hell am I going to..."

" What do you mean, ah to get us out of here ? "

" No, stupid, well yes, that too, but how am I going to tell him we're together, without agreeing..."

" Tell him naturally, and to get out you just have to hold on to me, and we'll get out of here.."

" Naturally..."

" Yes..."

" How ? "

Yes how ? What does that mean, naturally ? How to tell someone openly that you're in a relationship with them without their consent...

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