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Jeonghan carried Joshua to his apartment, and they arrived at their destination. The older man set the younger one down on the living-room couch and settled down next to him...

" It's about time we got there, you're heavy. "

" I told you I could walk, but you wouldn't let go of me either."

" I regret now. "

The two boys look at each other and then finally explode into laughter together, honestly they never thought they'd laugh like that together one day, just goes to show that anything is possible.

" By the way Jeonghan, you forced me to confess that I liked our kiss. "

" Yes, and ? "

" Did you enjoy it ? "

" No, but I had no choice. "

" Asshole. "

" It's okay I'm kidding, it just bothers me to say that I enjoyed having the softness of your lips on mine. "

Jeonghan begins to look Joshua in the eye, then his gaze deviates to the younger man's lips.

" I want to do it again what do you say ? "

" Do what you want. "

" I'm not forcing you to do anything..."

" I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to kiss you again. "

" Come on let's do whoever cracks first. "

Joshua begins to stare intently into the vampire's eyes until his gaze shifts to the older man's luscious lips; the latter notices this and licks his lips sensually on purpose, he has one objective, that Joshua cracks before he does. He even picks up a bottle of water and sips slowly, taking the bottle away from his lips and running his finger over them to wipe off the excess water.

Joshua looks at his eldest really, he has only one desire, to jump on him. Without further ado, he places his mouth on his opposite number's, tenderly moving his lips against the vampire's. The latter's eyes are closed and he's ready to take his first bite. With the latter's eyes closed and his hand pressed against the younger boy's chest, the room's atmosphere grows warmer, filled with the jerky breathing of both boys and the sounds of wet kissing. Jeonghan tilts the younger boy underneath him, running his hot hands down the copperhead's shirt...

- Ding, dong -

Jeonghan grunts in displeasure, stands up and coughs, puts his hair back in place and tries as best he can to loosen his clothes, then opens the door...

" Master Wonwoo ? What are you doing here ? "

" We need to discuss your powers. "

" Ah about that..."

" It smells like sex in here." Says a voice behind Wonwoo

" Master Mingyu, you never go anywhere without each other. It's crazy. "

" It's called love, but then you don't know that yourself. "

The two walk quietly into the apartment and see the younger one with swollen lips and slightly tinted cheeks.

" Oh sorry you were having a good time I see. "

" You're disturbing, clearly yes ! "

" Sorry, how could we have known ? "

" You could have been psychic ! "

" I'm a transformer not an Ace and Mingyu is my soulmate that's all. "

" Say what you have to say and get lost ! "

" Respect us already you little prick ! "

Jeonghan rolls his eyes and settles down next to a bewildered Joshua, Wonwoo settles on the footstool opposite the blond, Mingyu stands just behind.

" Pass your hands."

Jeonghan complies and hands over his hands, a blue and red aura comes around them, the vampires' eyes transform, the aura blends and turns purple, then Wonwoo lets go of Jeonghan's hands...

" Here, improved healing and teleportation in case of danger activated go ciao lovers."

" We're not lov-! "

Jeonghan doesn't have time to say anything as the vampire and soulmate have already teleported away, of course...

" Jeonghan."

" Um, what ? "

" What just happened ? "

" When my powers start to dissipate, my master who manages my powers comes to give me some back..."

" How does he know ? "

" Thanks to a mark where all his 'students' are branded on it..."

" Your world is completely insane. "

" It's true, but you get used to it, don't you worry. "

" Besides, I'd like to know..."

"  What now ? "

" You wouldn't mind being nice for more than a couple of minutes, would you ? So, when you turn me, will it hurt ? "

" Towards you, yes it would, and it all depends on your sensitivity..."

" What do you mean ? "

" Have you ever had a hickey ? It's about the same pain. "

" I've never gotten one. "

" I'll show you this, we'll pick up where we left off. "

" You like my lips that much ? "

" I guess I do."

Jeonghan pushed the copper-haired man back against the sofa, then positioned himself over the younger man, began kissing his cheek and then came to kiss his tempting lips, sucking on them without modesty. Joshua makes a little noise, which heightens the vampire's excitement. He then moves his kisses down the younger man's neck, gently kissing the smaller man's milky skin, beginning to press his kisses down more and more, gently sucking the skin in with extreme softness, and-...

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