
"I need you're signature for this and I also need you tell me do you need"- I was interrupted with my phone vibrating. I powered it off. I'm sorry it was an family member, but I'm sure it wasn't anything that can't be discussed later today. Now you need me to do what? I looked at my coworker and glance at the papers she had in her hands, her name is sincere, and we been good coworkers for 4 years now, when she got hired, very detailed orientation and actually do her job very well.

"yeah so I need theses papers signed so we can give it to Melinda." Melinda is our boss. "I also need to know would you like to attend the 6 o'clock meeting or the 2 o'clock meeting." I took a deep breath and exhaled. This meeting with Jackson and the others. She took an deep breath too and exhaled. "Yeah that meeting, everybody have to attend too, I'm in charge with reporting back to her the attendance of everybody, p.s I would say you should attend the 2pm meeting cause I'll be in that one and Jennifer is leading that one not, Melinda. I looked at her, I was going to say the 6 o'clock one cause I have to pick up my kids from school, but I'll call my husband and see if he can get them instead. How many days do I have until I'm required to give you an time date. Instead of answering my question, she gave me the stack of papers. Please review and sign them, also to answer you're question you have the end of the day tomorrow, so just text me or when I see you in the morning just let me know.

I headed back to my office, close the door, and sat down. I called Adelisa back and she answered. I'm at work Adelisa, what's up? There was a pause on her end and I still didn't hear anything so I waited and then I heard her. "hey sis. I didn't mean to bother you but I need some help." Yeah wassup. "Okay so Zephaniah had an bad incident with an friend of hers. She had relations with his man and he taking it to far. I just wanted to see if Zaire mentioned anything to you?" I looked around and put my phone on speaker.

"Zaire only mentioned that him and her won't be talking until Alora have the baby, per her request. We also followed up with doctors, and he going to be in there about a month or so, depending on his condition and his healing process, he going to be bed ridden even when he leaves the hospital and will have to do physical therapy. Not once did he mention anything else about Zephaniah, but Alora, he kept saying something off about her, but he also not sure why or how to explain it, we all assumed this was because of the pain medication and anesthesia they putting on him that making him question everyone. We all be back in a month or so, basically whenever he get discharged from the hospital.

There was a long silence again and then she spoke. "Okay, also Jupiter is on his way back here. Apparently he needed some space from everything that was going on, went to visit an old friend of his, and from here, we going to be back in business. I can't say that I blame him though, from running. We all had our fair share of running, I don't mind that he felt this was his turn to do so. I think I learned everything that was pondering me.

Thank you so much, and I'll update you on Zephaniah whenever I can. I'll be up here until next month on the 20th. I'm only on excused absence until then. I'll send a text next time, or voice note to you, so be on the look out for me." Alright sis and we going to find out who did this okay. I also thinking that we should do family counseling, " Jalina we can talk about that another time for right now I got to go. Bye." and she hanged up. I called my husband.


I'm still stuck in traffic. My music stopped and I looked at my touch screen dashboard, then Siri said "incoming call from Adelisa, eggplant emoji, heart eyes emoji, I click to answered and started driving, cause the light wasn't red anymore. "heyyyy Ozias, I notice you didn't answer my text, so I figured you was driving. If you're allowed too, can you tell me how the investigation going, I have some questions to ask you and probably can help you with the investigation to move along. I smiled and then said. I actually can't tell you anything about the investigation, but if you have some questions or any intel for me consider, I'll be more than glad to hear about them. I braked really hard theses dumb ass motherfuckers can't drive. "Well see that's the thing, if I'm not going to know anything then you can either."

I smirked. Well I have a question for you. What the address you sent me? on her end she went quiet and then she spoke."It's the address, to where Zephaniah meet that man at. I don't know how serious you guys are about her case, but I need y'all to get the shit together okay. I am an journalist just to remind you."  I rolled my eyes. I'm very aware of that adeslisa and the investigation is very much ongoing. We search the area already and did our questioning and further protocol, at this time, we don't have any solid leads. Although this seems very simple, it's not. We have to consider if there's more than one person and more than that. Definitely since he on the run.

There was this uncomfortable silence, and then I heard her again."What's you're address." Wait what excuses me? Wait Adelisa, please, believe me we have all this under control. "Ozias, send me the lo" and she hanged up. I glance at my screen, I got another 15 mins until  I'm at my house. I guess this is good. Maybe I can reassure her in person. Hey siri send share my location with Adelisa. Sending location to Adelisa, eggplant emoji, heart eyes emoji. My music started playing again.

Y'all rn:

Lmao, I will see y'all next chapter 😌

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Lmao, I will see y'all next chapter 😌

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