George couldn't help but smile when Dream swayed him around.
"Jesus dream-" his smile grew.

Dream could tell George wanted to stay yes.
"Come on~" he teased, his smile growing.
"Just say yes already."

George laughed.. thinking to himself as Dream span him around..
"I dunno." As much as he wanted to say yes- was it really the right choice...?

The only reason Dream kept him around this long was because he used the potion and had the abilities now.... And as black mail against his father.

George's smile slowly faded into the smallest frown.
"I don't..." He mumbled.

Dream noticed George's laugh die down... and so did the brunettes actions.
"You alright..?" He hummed.

"I don't know, I really... need to think about it." George slid his hand out of dreams, lightly nodding his head.
"I'm Sorry.." he turned his gaze away from Dream.
"I just need a little more time."

Dream lightly frowned.. seeing the brunette get sad.
"Is there a reason..?" He softly spoke.
"Not to rush you- but something seems to be on your mind."

"Don't worry, it's not you." George looked back at Dream.
"I just want to think things over before saying yes." He perked his head up.

"Well.. then let's get on deck shall we?" Dream slid his mask over his face.
"Your abilities will come in handy on the ship and help the others." He walked towards the door.

George looked down sadly.. nodding his head.
"Yeah- just... let me change." He looked around.
"I'll catch up with you."

Dream nodded his head, making his way out of the room.
"Alright, I'll be outside waiting." He hummed, closing the door behind him.

.: George POV :.

George's gaze sorrowed once Dream left... he didn't know what to do.
"What am I going to do.." he placed his hand on his chest..

He cared about Dream.... But he still couldn't decide if he trusted the blonde quite yet.

what was he even doing?? Helping the ones that kidnapped him in the first place..?

George stared at the ground.. scrunching his nose.
"What am I doing trusting a pirate.." he covered his face.
"All because he said he liked me.. and I immediately gave into his charm after he said it.."

He took a big deep breath.. shaking his head.

"I'm over thinking things." George was about to turn around until he caught a glimpse at dreams desk.
"It's... nothing..?" He looked at the blondes journal... a tad bit curious...

George looked back at the door before walking towards it.
"What is this..?" He carefully picked it up.
"Dream usually puts everything away..?"

Should he read it..? Or would that be too much,

George decided a quick peak... he wanted to know what was in it.
"I'll be quick.." he flipped to the last page entry.. it was the day after he was taken.



Today was.. a decent day, it's been quiet and peaceful but was ruined when i have been having to practically babysit the new person named george after he was affected by the potion which sucks. He doesn't exactly have anywhere else to sleep and I must keep up a happy act if I'm going to learn more about this potion.

As long as I put up an act and pretend to care for this mere human, I'll have access to its powers and some form of black mail towards the merchant group.


Next entry


Today has been much easier, progress with the brunette is going better then I thought. He's talking much more now and it's much easier getting closer with George.

If I can some how get closer, then I'll have this in the bag.


George slowly the book shut, tears running down his face at this point as his claws dig into the cover of the book.
"Damn it..." He let out a small sigh.

He felt hurt.. disgusted.... Betrayed... and heart broken.

George placed the book on dreams deck.. trying his best to maintain his tears.
"I knew it was too good to be true.." he had an off feeling when the blonde suddenly became nicer to him.

He felt what was supposed to be everything he ever wanted.. torn apart in a matter of words he read in a book.

George walked towards an empty bag... he wants to leave this room and go into his own- not forever just to relax his though s.

Total word count: 1307

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