34. Money & Power

Start from the beginning

"Damien, if you don't tell me what I did wrong then I won't be able to apologize," I call to him as I rush behind him.

"You don't have to apologize, you just have to be truthful," he finally speaks.


"You're trying to find dirt on Declan, why didn't you just come clean?"

Oh, he really shot. 

I pause in my tracks and he pauses too. The hallway is packed since everyone's trying to get to their next class and so I nod at an empty classroom. He gets the memo and follows me.

"Okay, I'm sorry I didn't tell you the real reason I needed you to watch him. I just thought that the less you knew the better."

"I think you thought I'm a fool," he spits. This is where I get the realisation that Damien is actually angry.

"Bro, I do not think you're a fool."

"Then what was the need to involve Jordan? Was one spy not enough? Do you not trust me?"

"Woah Woah, back track for a minute. How do you even know this?" I stare at him.

"Because I'm observant! Jordan was practically always there, checking his stuff, watching his every move. Doing stuff that I was doing!"

"Yeah but that could easily have been her own thing. Maybe everyone has something against Declan."

"Yeah, which is why I asked you." He replies simply. It takes me a moment to realize what he'd done and when I do I can't help but be impressed.

"Good trick there."

"Thank you," he mock bows.

"Listen Damien, I only asked Jordan to help because she's closer to Declan than you. Not because I think you're foolish."

"But why are you watching Declan?" He frowns at me.

"Let's just say I'm trying to save him," I shrug. He watches me for a moment before letting out a loud sigh.

"You don't trust me."


"They were looking for a phone at my house." The way he blinks at me makes me want to disappear.

"I was just making a statement."

"You could've asked me about the phone."

"This is supposed to be like top secret investigation, I can't go about asking people things," I cry.

"You would've asked Lee."

"That's totally–"

"Listen it's fine. I'm not sure I want to know about it, I just want you to know that I'm not going to do anything that could harm you. Or any of the others. I might not have stayed here for long but you guys have pretty much been my only friends. Whenever you need me to help, whether to spy on someone or hack into an account I'll be there to do it. Because I trust you." He smiles softly at me. I want to say something, I probably should but I watch him strap his bag tighter and walk out of the classroom.

One thing you might have noticed about me is that most times my feelings are surface deep. I'm never really too much of anything...but right now? I feel really really bad.


  Declan is with Kavinsky when I spot him after school. They're heading towards the parking lot. I don't really know what I want to say to him but I still walk faster so I can catch up with them.

"Hey Jones!" I yell. The two of them turn around at the sound of his name, squinting their eyes immediately as the sun blasts at them. I can't hear him but I'm pretty sure Declan says something about idiots disturbing his peace before turning to face me.

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