30. Seigfreid II

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Song: Seigfreid by Frank Ocean


   Poppy Coffee was quite busy today. I didn't want to go there despite the great coffee they sell. Coffee can't be sweet when the person you're with isn't sweet. But like always he makes me do it. It starts like a game. When he calls me in the afternoon I don't feel like pick up. I'm not quite comfortable around him anymore you know. He's different and he keeps twisting my words.

But I'm a stupid attention seeker and mum wasn't home anyways so I picked it. And he sounded chirpy, like he'd won a prize or something. He told me he had something to share with me and we should go to Poppy Coffee. The thing is, memories in Poppy Coffee were once sweet but that's where he switched up the first time. That's where he always switches up, like there's some kind of trigger in the cafe. I refused at first but the emotional blackmail began.

"Remember when I followed you to this and that?"

"Why aren't you always there for me?"

I told Reyna once about it and she said I was over thinking it but I do think that He's been emotionally blackmailing me to do things since the moment I met him.

Whatever I guess.

I go to Poppy Coffee. As usual, Jaré was behind the corner but I never get to order because he's already done it. He looked even more chirpy than he sounded over the phone. Baggy and blood shot eyes. I asked him what was wrong but nothing was wrong for him. He'd just got his dad to get him tickets to a Travis Scott concert. And he wanted both of us to go. I didn't say anything because I was more concerned about his appearance. He was too giddy, going on and on and on and then I realized that I knew this. I'd been this.

He was high.

And we were in public.

I tried to get him out, I told him we could go to my place. Of course I had no plans on taking him there and maybe he realized it because he said we should go to his place. I didn't want to be alone with a guy who's high but I had said yes because I didn't want us to get in trouble with the authorities. So we entered the car Diary. I wanted to go out. I planned on going out. But I never did.
Not on my own accord anyways.

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