Three: A shopping trip

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*!* when someone is talking in bold text means that it is not in English and Wip and other humans cannot understand unless I specified against it*!*

Wip's Pov:

The aliens then puts his lizard hand around my body and holds me upright, despite his hand not being able to fully grasp my body I still felt trapped. He then let go of my foot and guided that hand towards the top of my head to pet me, but as he did that I bit down on it as hard as I possibly can. He lets go and I fall, luckily not breaking anything on the way down. I started to run down the isle, face red hot from anger.

I think to myself "How could this happen? How could I have let myself get abducted? Why must they keep us humans as-" 

I was cut off as I round the corner and see what seems to be a giant whitish yellowish cat like creature with bird like features, whatever it was it certainly wasn't a creature from earth,  And by the looks of it, I would say it wants to eat me whole. 

Its big cute crimson eyes glow bright red, as its big pupils suddenly dilated into predator pupils, the white in their eyes turn black making their eyes look way more demonic and sinister.

My eyes fill with fear as It walks slowly towards me, but my body was filled with too much fear to notice it. It then got into a pouncing position and I ran back down the isle, my eyes meeting with the alien costumer who picked me up earlier I noticed he looked like the same species as the caretaker. 

As the creature opened its wings and sorta glided towards me I sprinted onto the costumers leg clinging on it like a kitten who just got adopted. Just as the cat-bird-bibliological-angel monstrosity started catching up, the customer picks me up and holds me to his chest (like how you would a cat). He was giving me a tight hug, his black fur was so warm and I felt his heartbeat rhythmically making me very sleepy. 

I heard the cat monstrosity hiss, it sounds like it probably got stopped from getting to me, I could lightly hear the clerk squeak alien language, "HALO NO!!! Bad brunette BAD" but I was too distracted by such warmth that maybe I can close my eyes for a few minutes.

I was quickly awoken by being placed in a cart, this customer had placed me in the toddler area in a pet store cart, except the seat was way bigger than on earth, which is probably to accommodate for these aliens bigger size, HE EVEN PUT THE SEAT-BELT ON ME. As we scrolled around we got to an area with human toys and he picked up some logic building toys. 

"IM NOT A CHILD!!!" I scream at him while kicking and punching. The customer seems to roll his eyes and pet me, instantly making me calm down...wait how did he do that? 

He picked me up out of my seat and brought me to a isle with lots of plush toys. But not of bears or earth animals but animals of this planet, He puts me down and seemingly signals me to look and walk around. I ignored all the small plushies of unrecognizable animals and went up to one the size of me, the plush was the only recognizable creature, a they have dogs here on this planet? 

I leaned onto the stuffed dog and hugged it tight letting it soak all my anxieties away. But the customer picked me up and put me back in the toddler seat; He then brought me to a checkout area and oddly enough scanned my neck, along with the plush, and a few other things that I didnt see him put in the cart...WAIT....did he just scan a pacifier? He's trying to care for me like a toddler, well ill show him toddler.

After he payed for the stuff I threw a tantrum for no reason, I will make it hard for him to try and "Tame" or "Domesticate" me, but as soon I did he gurgled something in his language and took the plastic covering off the pacifier and put it in my mouth.

Now...I would spit it out but it has a very sweet nectar taste and smell unlike a earth pacifier, And when ever I try to spit the pacifier out I cant my body wont let me.

Arkalive's POV: 

As I flip the homon around and pull my hand out to pet it, the homon bites me causing me to drop it from shock and the homon runs away.

but as the homon runs around the corner, I hear a hiss and the homon runs back down the isle and clings onto my leg "Awwwww" my heart melts in cuteness as I pick the homon up and gives him a hug, The homon doesnt resist.

I then see an angelbrunnete glide towards me, luckily the clerk grabs the angelbrunnete and scolds it. "Wait...that's yours?" I ask

She replys with "yes he's trained to eat small creatures and stuff...I apologize, Here I can pay back for this incident by inviting you to lunch" she gives me her telecation codex "my names May" she then tells me. 

"annnyyyyy way have fun with your pet" she adds before walking off.

"she'd tricked me into getting invited to a date didnt she" I ask my new pet homon they dont understand obviously. I noticed that the tiny homon is sleeping so I walk over to a cart and put them in the toddler seat which is also cleverly designed for homons too, but I accidentally wake the homon up by setting him down.

I roll the cart over to the homon toys section and picked up some logic building toys as soon as I put the toys in my homon starts crying and growling 

"aww someone mad? want headpats?" I pet the homon which instantly calms them down, I believe that the angelbrunete from before may had used its calming hypnosis and it may have affected the homons mind a bit. I then bring him to a plushie area and I let the homon down from the cart to pick out a plushie, as the homon does that I sneak in a leash and collar and a homon binkie which is legally required to be able to have them on leash outside in public unless they are tamed or the homon is a domesticated version.

The homon ignores the other plushies and goes to the husky one, I assume its because it reminds him of a creature from his home planet. I put the homon back in the cart and put the plushie in the back of the cart. I then roll over to the self register and scan all the items, I also make sure to scan the homon's chip. As I finish scanning and pay the homons whines again.

so I put the binkie in his mouth and it works.

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