One: Abducted

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 Wip's Pov:

        I felt the cold dark metal of the muzzle vibrate, causing me to spring awake. As I open my eyelids my eyes are met with the aliens.

 The alien had long fluffy fur, lizard arms, spikes, and a lizard like tail. It just seemed to be staring at me, that was until it's slim green claw reaches out and takes off the muzzle easily. "How come I couldn't take it off that easy?" I think to myself

 Immediately I back up and with a slightly angry tone I yell "Leave me alone!"

It seemed almost surprised and backed up slightly. 
They lean in slightly but not too close for comfort then pats my head, its oddly calming. 

Just as I was starting to get comfortable he got up, closing a strong plastic transparent panel on his way out.

I slightly felt annoyed, strangely enough I wanted him to give me more pets.

But that fades as a wave of fear hits me, I was now imprisoned in a small concrete box with no way out.

          I begin pacing back and forth trying to find a way out of my cell, my head flourishing with thoughts. 

"Was I kidnapped? Are they going to eat me!?! Am I going to... die?" I think to myself. 

I decided to look around the room and in the corner noticed a dog bed that is a bit bigger than I am, the bed had a ton of blankets "was the bed meant for me?" 

I continue to think, as I hear a soft tap on the plastic. 

To my surprise I turn around and my eyes lock with the eyes of a huge alien. 

The alien seems to be a different type of alien then before, and without hesitation I dove on top of the dog bed proceeding to hastily hide myself under the overwhelmingly large amounts of blankets. 

I squirm around for a bit then made a opening only big enough for me to peek my eyes out of; the new alien had left and in their place was the black furred one from before.

              He scanned his face on the panel, I heard a click, then slid the plastic transparent panel open and walked in. 

As soon as I saw this I hid even deeper in the blankets although it was no use since he pulled me out anyways. 

I tried to cling to the bed as long as I could but he was determined to pick me up. I lost my grip and he then held me under my arms like a cat. 

Then he gave me a hug which caused me to freak, and stress out, And as soon as his arms tightened I bite him causing him to let go. 

The alien backed up then grabbed something from inside his long back fur. I was filled with fear as I start to question my decisions "am-am I going to be pun-punished?" I whimper to him.

He cooed at me soothingly as if to calm me then pulled out a strange fruit and Gave it to me, It seemed to be a pineapple but with a pear like texture, despite the weird texture I ate the whole thing and it was surprisingly juicy, there was so much juice that it started to dribble out of my mouth. 

As I finished gobbling up the pearaple (that's what I am going to call it) the alien pats me on the head and once again leaves making sure to lock the plastic screen.

             As I calmed down I looked out the plastic panel and even though it was hard to make out from the side im on, I seemed to be imprisoned in what looks like a pet store similar to petsmart or petco. 

I suddenly have a thought "Are they selling me like im some animal? Do they think im a pet?"

 I lay in my dog bed (or would it be called a human bed?) and continue to think about what I saw.

"Would I want this? Would I allow this?" I ponder until a feel a cold breeze and look down to see that im only wearing grey boxers and my detectives coat "WHAT THE?!?!" I yell to myself not noticing the group of aliens watching me, they seem like a family.

I heard a loud giggle which caused me to notice the alien family.

I was so startled that I bury myself in blankets hoping they would get bored and go away.

Soon enough they walked off, I considered looking outside the panel again to scout out the area but I couldn't fight my sleepy eyelids and soon dozed off.

         When I awoke I noticed that I was in the arms of the fluffy alien and had a breakdown. My breathing was fast and I was kicking and squirming like a baby.

The fluffy alien took off my detective coat and slid down my boxers then slipped me in a sink (the sink was bigger than on earth).

He seemed to be picking out soaps and shampoos with pictures of humans like me taped on.

He picked a one with a male human picture on it.

Then he slathered the soap all over my body and I mean EVERYWHERE. He then slapped on some shampoo and dunked my head in the water. While I squirmed every step of the way.

He cooed as I started yelling random things, then when he was done he put the boxers and coat back on, pat my head, then held me in his arms.

He carried me past my prison outside the backroom area, and then to another section of the store where all the more friendly animals are.

I was put down inside a plastic tub with about 15 other humans, all of which trying to climb out except for one.

The one was way older than the other humans around me including me, all the other humans were around 15-18 but no he was 45.

The older one just sat in the tent that is set up in the tub in the corner next to the portapotty like contractions.

*Clink* the alien had put the topping to the tub over my head, once again imprisoning me, but at least this time there were others nearby.

              I observed the topping, it seemed to have very tiny holes poked throughout so we can breath. I don't stare at the topping anymore as the holes are provoking my tryhaphobia.

Then I lay on the hay that covers the bottom of the tub and close my eyes letting it fade to black

The Alien Abduct (humanpet story)Where stories live. Discover now