Two: Adoption

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Arkaline's Pov:

A loud ear piercing alarm emitted from my telecation (or as humans call it a "phone") a groan left my mouth.

I lazily press the snooze button, and as I was starting to fall back to sleep a call rang through my telecation. I sighed and answered the call.

"Hello! This is Creturamain, the pet store, its about your appointment."

I jumped out of my bed realizing I booked a appointment to hopefully get a pet today. I hastily jumped out of bed and put fur dye on, giving my fur a purple tint at the edge. Then I put on stick remover on my leather spikes so that it doesn't produce sticky goop.

"Let me guess you forgot about your appointment" the pet store clerk says holding in a giggle

I grab my phone then my cayr keys and reply to the lady

"no no no I'm just around the corner"

I hang up and sprint to my cayr.

In my cayr I round the corner to see the clerk from the telecation earlier at the front of the store, she had a sarcastic smirk. The clerk was a cute grey (the alien type for clearance), with dark gray hair with cute hair clips in it, she is wearing a green sweater and short shorts.

I walk in as the clerk floats behind as grey's do.

"What kind of pet do you want?" The clerk asks

"I urm don't know" I reply back

The clerk sighs in a joking manner

"see I knew that you forgot about today's appointment *she does a cutesy giggle* well then let's make this easy for you Mr.marsh do you want a dangerous animal or a harmless one"

"I think I want a harmless one"

I tell her sounding unsure

"you know what let me just show you the pets we have from violent to harmless"

She then takes me around the shop.

We first look at the angelbrunette, a brunette colored creature with a mostly cat body except for the beak and wings, along with very cute big eyes, and a horn like module on their head which resembles a halo.

I was thinking of getting one until the creature's eyes started glowing white then the halo horns started to do the same and as if that wasnt scary enough third eye opened the third eye wasnt glowing

"Oh frick cover your eyes" the clerk says.

I close my eyes as the clerk covers the cage, now I realize why Angelbrunettes are so dangerous to keep as a pet.

Then we pass a isle with an employee that is getting a weird animal out of the display for a customer.

The creature seems to walk on two legs like us, but unlike us the creature only had fur on his head. We stare at the employee as he puts the creature down in front of the customer, the customer pets the creature and the creature seems to enjoy it. But the customer stops petting him and walks away. The creature gets surprised and runs up and hugs the customers leg. The customer ends up adopting the small creature.

I ask the clerk what kind of creature it was,

"oh that's a sub species of a homon(human) a domesticated homon"

I then reply with "what is the difference?"

She answers my question with "oh well a domestic homon is raised here which means they lack normal homon body language and manners. But DomestiCorp also raises these homons to act cuter and love petting, treats, and cuddles, these type of homons have been given a certain formula throughout ages 1-6 causing them not to have a mane or any other bodyfur when they come of age soon though they might naturally lack that ability. Because of how these homon's are rasied they act kidish and is hard to train them simple tricks. But a downside is that domestic homon's cant communicate to wild homon's easily physically and mentally. While a wild homon is transported from earth and while still acts cute sometimes, they do not act as cute as the domestic kind in most cases, also the wild homon is great at learning simple tricks and like to be helpful. They are very skittish and can take years for them to release their built up stress from being on earth"

I look over to the end of the isle to see few homons in a plastic tub and ask

"why are the wild homons in a tub?"

And the clerk replies with "oh they broke the glass enclosure last week so we put them in a plastic tub for now."

I nod and look in the tub i see the cute homons and a certain one catches my eye. As soon as I lay my eyes on them they start to burrow under the plastic artificial straw.

" i didnt know homons like to burrow" I tell the clerk

The clerk replys with "weeeellllll homons do burrow but not for homes, they only burrow so they can mine minerals from their planet to create weapons for their small towns, they use the weapons to kill other dangerous animals or eachother."

I pick the burrowing homon up by the left leg and try to pet the squirming homon.

Wip's POV:

Its been about 2 weeks since I have been kidnapped and put in this pet shop and i cannot lie im getting kinda comfy, Look If im going to be trapped here I mine as well get cozy. Right now there is only 5 humans left in this tub, all of them are still trying to escape except for me. Then I hear one of the weird looking humans in the enclosure they were trying to communicate to me, and their speaking was not exactly good I could hear them say

"hey, hoomon over this place, Me Jeff, You?"

I couldn't hear him right but still tried to respond

"what? OOO ooo reff?"

jeff facepalmed and said "NO, i say, ME jeff."

I then question him

"why do you look so weird"

Jeff replied with "we animalized hoomon"

I correct him "you mean domesticated?"

then i tell myself that's impossible they wouldnt do that would they?

then again humans do that to other animals. Jeff was pulled out of the inclosure by what seems to be a employee and gets placed in front of what i guess is a customer. Surprisingly Jeff doesnt run but lets the alien pet him and Jeff even seemed to enjoy it too much. After the customer stopped petting him and started walking away Jeff ran up to the customers leg and barley could hug it (you gotta remember to the aliens we are only merely bigger than a rabbit in size comparison).

Jeff was then picked up into the customers arms and was cuddled as they exited my sight, But i couldnt think about that for long as another customer comes by this customer seems to be the same species as the caretaker. The customer was accompanied by another alien with a clip on nameplate she was presumably a clerk. I watched as the approached the plastic tub gurgling noises to each other in their language it was very confusing for me.

Then the creature loomed in the tub, I tensed up filled with fear since no other alien besides the caretaker had gotten this close, I quickly burrowed into the plastic grass like material which was barley deep enough for me to hide in. Imagine my fear when he picked me up by my right foot and as i squirmed he no joke tried to pet me while upside down.

Arkaline's POV:

"Aww" I mumble as I stare at the cute homon, I glanced over to see the clerk admiring me...did she like me? It was weird but I ignored it as to not embarrass them

I tell them "I will take him."

Authors Note: IMPORTANT background Lore for DomesticCorp, DomesticCorp is a company that owns almost all pet stores and vets but also specializes in testing labs to domesticate outerdimensional creatures and sell them as pets (with some practices being a bit inhumane), they started testing humans as pets during medieval times but after hundreds of years of humans basically domesticating themselves they finally decided to capture humans and ship them to pet stores, but what they dont tell anyone except for vets and pet-store owners in their chain is how intelligent humans actually are now-a-days so competitors dont know how humans live on earth and so cant possibly create their own items or review the creatures.

Sorry that this chapter took so long i got sick and had bad headaches which gave me writers block im still currently sick.

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