vii. | spooky shit

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chapter 25

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chapter 25

My old friend, I apologize
For the years that have passed
Since the last time you and I
Dusted off those memories


"VICKI?" That was all she managed to say, her voice so small, so quiet, barely audible amongst the rustle of the restaurant.

It wasn't real. It wasn't her. It wasn't possible. 

As she slowly rose from her chair, the world seemed to blur, and all that remained in focus was the figure before her, who stood with a small smile on her face. She poked her gaze into it━gone were the soft, youthful contours of her face. In their place, she noticed the sharpness of well-defined cheekbones that seemed chiseled by time and experience. Vicki's once-playful hazel eyes had matured into windows of wisdom, yet they retained that mischievous glint that had always been her signature.

"Elijah, do you see a woman in front of me?" She whispered, her voice trembling with astonishment. Her gaze remained fixed on the brunette, as if to confirm her own reality.

The Original furrowed his eyebrows. "Shouldn't you?" He asked, his confused eyes darting between two women.

Vicki rolled her eyes in that familiar, exasperated way she used to. "I'm real, you psycho." She snickered, placing her hands on her hips and tilting her head playfully.

Jade tried to swallow the lump that was growing in her throat, albeit unsuccessfully. Raising her hand slightly towards the girl with the intention of touching her, she froze.

She hates you. 

She hates you, you left her when she needed you, you didn't deign to speak to her for five years, you didn't call, you didn't text, you didn't apologise, you didn't even know she was dead! You missed her fucking funeral! 

There's no way she's here to catch up, she definitely wants to talk it all out to you, yell at you, tell you how much of a horrible friend you a━

Jade didn't have a chance to finish her dark thoughts as the girl grabbed her outstretched arm and pulled her close, wrapping her arms tightly around her.

Jade, her body still frozen, closed her eyes, smelling the same perfume the brunette used five years ago. Her embrace━both arms wrapped around her neck like a snake ensnaring its prey━still the same. Her brown, wavy hair, which always fell into her eyes when she hugged her━also the same. Everything was the same.

It was her. 

In a second, the girl tightened her arms around the girl, a disbelieving gasp escaping her lips as she clung to her friend as if she were a lifeline. "What... the actual fuck?" She whispered in astonishment into brunette's hair. 

it's just me and you | klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now