iv. | losing my mind

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chapter 4

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chapter 4

See my lonely mind explode
When I've gone insane
I wanna get outta here
I wanna get outta here
I, I've gotta, I've gotta get outta here
I, I gotta get out of here


Jade was sitting on her bed, looking like a ghost of her former self. Her dry and tangled hair was pinned up in what was probably meant to resemble a bun, remnants of makeup adorned her graying face, body slumped, her left supporting hand the only reason why she didn't fall back on the bed.

Her stormy, blue eyes were focused on her right hand, in which she held two white pills. She looked at them so intensely that if she had any superpowers, she would have had to go get a vacuum cleaner to pick up the white dust from all over the room. She examined them as if seeing them for the first time in her life, bringing them closer to her face, twisting and turning her head as if they were the most interesting thing in the world at that moment.

Was it her salvation or her curse? Did she magically cure herself of her psychotic disorder and the meds started to eat her mind? Did her tolerance increase? Did they stopped working and she needs more? Would two be enough? Normally one was, but since she's been in Mystic Falls she feels like she should probably eat the whole bottle of the neuroleptics just to stay sane.

As she sat on that bed like that, burning a hole in her palm with her eyes, she concluded that it was probably none of those options. It wouldn't explain the time skips, appearances in places where she doesn't remember coming, that awful headache that gives her the feeling as if someone took out her brain, put it in a blender and pressed it back into her skull.

The answer may be simpler and more normal than it seems. Maybe it's just a hangover? A state of intoxication would explain the film breaking off and the excruciating headache she is currently experiencing. But then again, she didn't drink so much to reach such a state, Jade knows her limits. The questions and the annoying lack of answers were swirling around in her mind so much, that she feels like her head won't hold out and will simply explode.

Jade took a deep, shuddering breath and swallowed the drugs. Her expression changed to one of disgust and she quickly snatched the water from her nightstand. Her tired hands fell by her sides again, and the girl herself did a quick scan of her old room, getting an idea.

Confused and thirsty for control, she pulled one of her old sketchbooks from under the bed and quickly found some kind of pen from one of the drawers of her nightstand. The notebook in question was bound in black eco-leather, decorated with various stickers, quotes and rhinestones.

She was a little afraid to open it, she won't lie. Her sketchbooks reflected her previous life, serving as a diary to pour out her black thoughts on paper. Just imagine a sixteen-year-old Jade━I think sixteen years old? She thought, looking at this particular sketchbook━only with undiagnosed psychotic disorders, with depression clouding her mind and under the lock and key of an even more psychotic father. So yeah, not so lovely.

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