v. | jade holmes

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chapter 5

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chapter 5

Me on my own, out of control
Everything I touch turns to stone
Me on my own, living a lie
No, I need to buckle down
Need to do it now
Now change my situation


Jade did not want to get out of bed that day. A week passed after her outing on the swimming hole and her mental state could not have been more at the bottom of the ocean, two miles buried deep in the muck. She felt that all of this was slowly overtaking her, a constant battle with her own mind, with each day new walls kept her from functioning properly. She felt uncomfortable in her own skin, as if it wasn't her veins, her blood, her cells inside her body allowing her to live, to breathe. Her brain let no other thoughts except those about her constant memory holes, no matter how much she tried to fill them, minute by minute recalling past events, nothing worked.

"Jade, are you... crying? What happened?" Camille's worried voice echoed on the other side of the line.

"I don't know what happened! And that's the fucking problem!" Jade exclaimed, voice trembling. "I don't have an absolute fucking clue what I meant by those texts... I don't remember shit." She covered her face with her free hand.

Cami could be heard opening and closing her mouth, thinking what to say."But what do you mean... you don't remember? Have you been━"

"Yes, I was drinking, but not to that extent! And it wasn't even the first time.... I got these fucking memory holes at random times of the day." Jade cried, gesturing with her hands. "And it's killing me, 'cause i have no fucking idea what's going on."

"Okay, first of all, calm down. Count to ten. Second, why don't you ask your sister? Maybe she knows something? Because I'm guessing you haven't stopped taking your medication, right?"

Jade chuckled darkly. "Like that would be what I would fucking need right know."

So she asked. She heard in reply that she was crazy. Go figure.

A defeated moan left her lips as she lifted her heavy body from the very comfortable and warm bed. It's too early to start functioning, but so what━Jade couldn't sleep a wink most of the night anyway. She kept tossing and turning, unable to stop thinking about her memory blackouts and her sister's recent bizarre behavior.

Like, nothing happened between them. Nothing serious, at least. Just some sisterly name-calling, you know, the norm. Although sometimes the atmosphere between them got so thick that Jade could push herself off the ground and start actually flying. They could talk normally, laugh, eat breakfast or lunch, and suddenly Caroline's mood would change 180 degrees. She would start fidgeting nervously, cutting off conversation, looking for the quickest possible way out of both the conversation and the house. Oh right, not out of the room. Out of the house. Who does that? What is she hiding? What did Jade do to her? Did she do anything, anyway?

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