His friends had never seen him so serious. He had changed since the last time he was there. And with that they started discussing details. He went over the same information he did with the Olympians for when order showed himself and more.

Everyone's eyes sparkled with determination; their hearts filled with hope as the meeting ended. Percy was hugged and surrounded again by most of his friends and he couldn't have been happier in that moment.


Annabeth and Percy were finally alone again after dinner. Currently walking on the shore by the lake. "You would love the Palace Annabeth. It is magnificent. It's made of pure white marble and the sky is just something else entirely." Percy was going on and on about his new home with her.

"It sounds amazing Percy."

"After the war, I'll take you. How does that sound." He said, smiling at her as they walked.

"I think that sounds perfect." Looking up into his beautiful, loving eyes.

The sun was setting so they decided to just watch. The sky was filled with beautiful pinks and oranges. A kaleidoscope of colors shifting as the ball of light sank lower and lower. "I love you so much Annabeth. I feared I would never see you again..."

She picked up on his worry. "I know. I did too." Understanding fully what he was saying.

Percy looked down at the ring on her finger. She looked at his face with such care and love. "When this is over, we are getting married. Sound good?" Percy said.

Annabeth's smile shined like the sun in the distance as she agreed. They both smiled as the sun sank below the surface. Annabeth looked over at his wings. It was like they were absorbing any last bit of light around them. She reached over to touch them but noticed Percy tense a little and paused. "Sorry, you can touch them. I don't let anyone touch my wings except Luke or Chaos."

Annabeth hummed as she stroked one of the feathers. "They are amazing. So soft."

Percy felt a chill run down his back as she investigated. They were always so sensitive. "So, why are you so tense when I touch them?" Annabeth questioned.

Percy chuckled at her inability to not know something. "Long story. In summary, we encountered Order in a war on another planet not too long ago. I was thrown into a giant brick wall, and one of them broke. Then the wall decided to fall on top of me. Let's just say I don't ever want to experience something like that again." Thinking about it sent a wave of uneasiness through his body and his wings fluttered in response.

Annabeth made a mental note that they were not indestructible like she thought. She was again amazed at her wonderful fiancé. Percy stood, helping her up. "I need to go finalize the training schedules with Luke so he can share the information with our soldiers. Can I walk you to your cabin?"

"Sounds good. And yes please."

They walked in silence as they just enjoyed each other's company again. The warmth and happiness filling both of their hearts. Percy stopped at the Athena cabin. "Goodnight wise girl."

"Goodnight seaweed brain."

They kissed and went their separate ways.


Luke was waiting in his office for him. He smiled at his friend. "Hey Luke. How was the rest of your day?"

Luke looked observed him. He could tell he was emotionally drained, but he smiled at the grin plastered on his face. "It went a lot better once you showed back up. Never leave me alone with them again." They both laughed.

"How are you holding up?" Luke asked. Knowing today was most likely a lot and probably brought up unwanted memories. Percy sighed, letting his wall down slightly. "I'm okay. Thanks for asking. Just tired really."

"Yeah, you still need to recover some of your energy from yesterday you stupid head." Percy stuck his tongue out at him. "Yes, the mighty son of Chaos is a child." He said smirking

Percy just huffed before they both delved into the training sessions, splitting up the army to join every group of campers evenly. An hour passed before they finally finished.

"Okay, that should be everything. Plans are in place and now we just need to bring the campers up to par." Luke commented. "Yep." Percy said popping the 'p.'

"Well, I'm going to bed then. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, dude."

"Don't stay up too late." Luke threatened. Percy glanced over at the pile of paperwork he still had to do. "No promises."

Luke chuckled and left. Percy sighed as he walked over to his desk and plopped down. 'Yeah, this is going to be a long night.' He thought to himself.

Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos - Loyalty and FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now