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"Jungkook, great match today"

Harry, the team captain exclaims while wiping the sweat.

" Thanks"

Jungkook drinks water and changes his shirt. He is excited tonight, Seokjin, and he is leaving for the island tonight as they planned. His final exams are next month Seokjin said it would help his nerves.

" If you maintain the consistency we can do a lot better in upcoming matches. After finals, we have a match at the regional level. " Captain tells.

" Yeah, I know" Jungkook knows it, he doesn't like talking about things that he already knows and he is in a hurry to leave. He checks the phone for messages or missed calls but no, nothing. Is Seokjin busy? But he said he would come and pick him up.

" And Jungkook can you control over anger? You can't show your anger to other playmates "

" They missed the easiest ball"

" Still, Jungkook. We are playing as a team I hope you remember it"

"Okay," Jungkook picks up his bag after throwing the towel to his assigned basket.

" Don't be angry at me, Are you free now? Let's go for dinner, I will buy"

" Oh, no...I am busy. I have plans with Seokjin. He is coming to pick me up"

Jungkook checks his phone again, Why had Seokjin still not called him?, Did he not know at what time the match ended?

" oh...Your roommate right? "

"My.... housemate and best friend"

Both of them walk out of the changing room, the cool breeze over the sweaty body makes him feel fresh.

" Hmm...He looks cool and handsome "

Yes, he is. Jungkook knows Seokjin is handsome but he doesn't know why all people try to be on his face all the time when Seokjin doesn't like it at all.

" Hmm...I am leaving Bye"

" Jungkook, I know you are waiting for Seokjin Shi, he is not here yet"

" Yeah, he...he will be here in five minutes"

" Maybe he is with some hot guy, all-working adults-"

"You don't know him. So I hope you stop talking as if you know him "

Jungkook knows he is talking to his seniors but people talking so casually about seokjin is something that triggers him.

" Are you two in a relationship? "


"Oops sorry, it's just ...hmm... But it would be so weird right, he is five years older than you, he is like your hyung, more like a father figure. I am so sorry Jungkook. I wanted to ask you out, but looking at you and Seokjin Shi I thought you two might be in a sort of relationship or something. Hmm...Jungkook I want to take you on a date..."

" I am not interested" Jungkook walks out of the college.

What's so weird? Why is that weird? It's not that he is in a relationship with Seokjin but what's weird about it? Or Is it? Five years is pretty much a big gap...in a relationship....he is not seeking a relationship.

Well, Seokjin is not... not his dad, no thanks he has his father. At the same time, Seokjin is not someone Jungkook ever thought of....whatever... Okay, Of course, Seokjin is older than him, he wouldn't date a guy five years older than him. But....seokjin is...he is different....he is...he is...

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