Chapter 7: Preparation

Start from the beginning

Harold simply grumbled.

Harold: Fine. Let's hope that it works this time without messing up twice.

Harold then looked at The Ladybird again. He sighed.

Harold: How about we struck a deal then? If we successfully took over Adventure Bay, you'll get to have all of those shiny stuff that's in the city, how's that sound?

Ladybird: *grins* A fabulous deal...fine then. Deal.

Copycat: ...Alright then. It's time we prepare for the upcoming onslaught.

The Copycat then walked over to Harold, Mayor Humdinger, along with his kitties, and The Ladybird, and put his paws onto them.

Then a glowing light came out from his paws, which enveloped all of them. They closed their eyes from the light, and when they reopened them again, they found out that they'd received back their major superpowers.

Harold: Yes!! Now my abilities are finally back!!

Ladybird: *flys up* And I feel lighter as a bird!! LADYBIRD RETURNS AGAIN!!

Mayor Humdinger: And now I even felt so much stronger too!! I felt like having the strength to smash those annoying pups to bits!!

Mayor Humdinger then punched on the walls, which completely shook the entire cave. Several mini debris even dropped down from the ceiling.

Harold: *thought* But still, with four of us isn't even enough to take them down.

Harold then had an idea popped up on his genius mind. He smirked.

Harold: Maybe, I should create a fighting robot. No, hundreds of those robots will be totally fantastic!!

He then began to use his powers and started creating high tech weapons, metal armors, swords, blasters and huge robots.

Mayor Humdinger: How long will it take for you to finish all of this?

Harold: Apparently, perhaps a few golden hours will be enough for me to create all of them. Eight hours to be exact.

Ladybird: ...Eight hours.

Copycat: I guess that'll do. In that case, we'll launch our attack in the afternoon in Adventure Bay, tomorrow.

Everyone then nodded in unison. They then saw The Copycat slowly heading outside.

Mayor Humdinger: ...Where are you going now?

The Copycat: I'm going for training at someplace else, in the meantime.

After that, he teleported away.

Mayor Humdinger: I can't get over how amazing his ability is.

Ladybird: Since when did he learned how to teleport? We never seen him showcasing this before.

Harold: *groans* Probably by that one time in which he double-crossed me back then, while I was creating my huge robot with a teleporting ray blaster. And I remembered how he stole those teleporting abilities from my robot and teleported me on top of the roof of the lighthouse...

Mayor Humdinger: In any case Harold, you better focus on your machine making, because it's literally going to be a special day tomorrow.

Ladybird: The day where we TRULY end those pups for good! Not even their powers could even save them this time!!

Mayor Humdinger: It's best I get some practice too. I need to learn how to control my powers.

He and Ladybird then walked out from the den as well for practice, leaving Harold inside, as he was busy building his robots.

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