Chapter 31

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Second year was coming to a close, and Fiza and Alan had two weeks off. Fiza was about to visit her family for the first time since Covid had hit.

Her father picked her up from the airport. He had aged in the last year, but her mother looked the same. She gave them both a hug, wearing her N95 mask. She planned to test herself with a home kit before taking off her mask at home.

Farzana was planning to visit over the weekend too.

"Mmmm," Fiza exclaimed, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the familiar aroma of her mother's cooking. "I missed your food so much! I need to learn how to make this!"

"Pappa, how are the resorts doing?" She asked her father. She knew that the pandemic had affected his business.

"We are doing really well now," her father replied with enthusiasm. "People are staying at the resort as a work from home. They are calling it 'staycation.' I hired a new boy, Sandeep, for marketing. He is handling the social media and is bringing in a lot of youngsters."

Fiza watched her father talk about his resort, the changes they had made to adapt to the needs the pandemic had brought on. He loved discussing this with her.

"So, Farzana and Fahad," her father smiled at her, and she smiled back. "Funny how life works. Fiza ammai wouldn't mind, I'm sure." Though the truth was out that Fiza's aunt was actually her biological mother, everyone still referred to her as her aunt. It was easier that way, and Fiza didn't mind.

"How did you find out?" Fiza asked, surprised. The last time she talked to Farzana, she had been having second thoughts. She couldn't have told her father.

"Fahad told his parents, and they told me. Imagine!" He laughed. "Farzana still doesn't know that I know. I'm waiting for her to come this weekend so I can have some fun with her." Fiza chuckled.

"Pappa," Fiza started, since they were on the topic of marriage. "Pappa, I was thinking, I don't want to wait another year. I want to marry Alan. He will finish PG in a year and will surely get a job. It's just... I just want to... We just want to be together." Her father gave her a sharp look.

"I'm not sure about him, mole," he said softly.

"But I am!" Interjected Fiza. "I love him. I can't... I can't be with anyone else."

"Fiza, there's actually a nice proposal that has come..." Her father began but was interrupted by Fiza's raised voice. "No! You promised me!" Fiza couldn't believe he was going back on his words. He then received a work call that took his full attention. Neither of them broached the topic after. Fiza was going to brainstorm with Farzana before she brought it up again.

Fiza's school friend Kiran was in town, and they had reconnected after a long period of no contact. Despite their complicated history involving Farzana, who had been involved with Kiran in the past, Fiza agreed to meet with him before Farzana's arrival.

"Hi!" Fiza greeted Kiran as she approached him at a restaurant in Fort Kochi with outdoor seating. Kiran's demeanor was somewhat awkward as they exchanged greetings.

"Fiza, it's been so long. You look amazing," Kiran remarked with a smile, and Fiza couldn't help but sense a hint of sadness in his expression.

"You too," she replied politely.

Kiran then shared his news. "I'm getting married," he told Fiza. "Her name is Priya. It's an arranged marriage, but I love her."

Fiza genuinely expressed her happiness for him. "I'm really happy for you," she said.

However, the conversation took an unexpected turn as Kiran expressed concerns about inviting Farzana to his wedding. Fiza, who had always been protective of Farzana, listened carefully to Kiran's explanation.

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