Chapter 13

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The next day, she was assigned to work with him in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Among the delicate patients, there were two preemies reliant on ventilators due to their underdeveloped lungs, presenting a challenging situation.

However, the majority of the babies were stable, allowing Fiza and Faisal to have some downtime. Faisal observed her as she tenderly held one of the infants, engaging in playful interactions while the NICU's atmosphere allowed for a temporary reprieve from the constant medical demands.

"Do you know your mommy is eagerly waiting for you to get better?" she cooed in Malayalam, adopting a baby voice. "Once your little kidneys start working properly, we'll go visit your mommy together."

Her attentiveness was dedicated to a newborn suffering from renal failure. Fiza had keenly observed her professor inserting a dialysis catheter into the baby's abdomen earlier for peritoneal dialysis. With one baby comforted, another's cries beckoned her attention, demonstrating the continuous cycle of care required in the NICU.

Despite not being obligated to be present alongside her in the ICU, Faisal chose to stay, embracing the opportunity to spend more time with her amidst the professional setting.

In the midst of her studies and duties, Fiza was surprised when Alan's excited voice filled her phone. "Fiza, I see you have Sunday off next week. I've booked a hotel for us Saturday night. Come around 6. I'll be free until noon on Sunday." Her brows furrowed as she listened to his enthusiasm, a lingering sense of doubt clouding her thoughts. This somehow felt like a booty call.

"What is it, Fiz?" Alan's voice held a touch of impatience, his excitement waning as he sensed her hesitation. He wanted her to share in his joy, but the shadow of recent events lingered in her mind. "I... I don't think I'm ready," she managed to say, her voice uncertain. The weight of his gaze on her was palpable, a mix of hurt and confusion in his eyes.

"You aren't ready to see me?" Alan's words were heavy with disappointment, and Fiza felt a pang of guilt. He couldn't blame her for her reaction, not after everything that had transpired. Resigned, she looked at him and accepted his offer, her voice quiet. "No, it's fine. I'll be there."

During the week, Fiza learned a lot. She had cultivated the habit of reading up on the cases that she came across and making notes on plain paper, which she then organized into chapters in her binder.

Faisal was impressed with her dedication. As they navigated the days together, Fiza opened up about her aspirations. "Do you want to do neonatology?" Faisal's question prompted a thoughtful response. "I'm not sure, but I think I want to do developmental pediatrics," she revealed, the uncertainty and possibility both present in her words.

"That's different," Faisal observed, his curiosity piqued. "I don't even know where they offer that course." Fiza's shrug was accompanied by a smile. "Me neither. But Alan can move wherever my course is," she shared, a glimpse of their intertwined future.

They had talked about this. They would not be separated after PG. "He's very lucky to have you," Faisal commented softly, his words carrying a hint of longing.

"What plans for the weekend?" Faisal changed the subject, his voice lighter as they walked. Fiza's blush deepened as she replied, "I'm visiting Alan, Sir." His accidental intrusion into her personal life prompted a quick clarification. "Oh, I wasn't meaning to pry," he mumbled.

Fiza's response came forth confidently. "It's okay. He is my fiancé."

"So you were telling me. Your parents agreed without fuss?" Faisal inquired, his interest clearly piqued by the complexities of her story.

"I dunno. It's a long and weird story. But the short of it is, I was kinda engaged to my sister's boyfriend," Fiza explained, a mixture of amusement and incredulity in her voice.

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