Chapter 11

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Tw: sexual violence

Inside the room, Fiza sat quietly, her mind racing with doubt and insecurity. She wanted to believe in their love, but Aradya's words had planted seeds of suspicion. As Alan walked in, she looked up at him, hurt and vulnerability evident in her eyes.

Aradya's words lingered in Alan's mind, making him feel agitated and defensive. He had tried his best to make the day perfect, yet Fiza seemed to be looking at him with accusation. Irritation seeped into his voice as he asked, "What is it this time, Fiza?"

Her heart sank at his tone, but she tried to keep her emotions in check. "Nothing," she whispered, watching him closely. But Alan's anger seemed to escalate as he lashed out at her. "It better be nothing," he retorted sharply, not understanding the depth of pain behind her eyes.

"Why are you being mean to me?" Fiza asked, hurt and confused by his sudden hostility. "Because you are never satisfied with anything. You just can't be happy, can you?" Alan's words stung, and she felt the weight of his resentment.

"You have to be in control of everything," he added venomously. The accusation caught her off guard, and she struggled to find the right words to defend herself. Was this how he really saw her? Did he no longer love her, despite everything they had shared?

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she tried to hold them back, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing her break down. However, he seemed impervious to her pain, and his anger continued to build. "I'm fucking tired of this shit."

"You are hurting me," Fiza whispered softly, her voice filled with vulnerability. But Alan's response was cold and unfeeling. His eyes narrowed.

"I've... I've given you everything," she pleaded, unable to understand where his dissatisfaction and anger were coming from.

Aradya's voice echoed in his mind, "stand up for yourself if that girl tries to emotionally blackmail you."

"No one asked you to," he retorted. "You came to me. I pushed you away in Gokarna. I told you I couldn't handle you, but you came to me. So don't put it on my head." Fiza looked at him stunned.

"I won't believe you if you say you regret being with me," her mind told her to de-escalate, but he was blaming her for being the one to cross the lines of friendship.

"You asked me to marry you!" she reminded him, hoping that the memory would soften his heart. However, his response only deepened her pain.

"Because you were fucking acting suicidal!" he shouted at her. But Alan was caught up in his anger and frustration, unable to see beyond the hurt he felt.

He was angry, not at her, but at their situation. He had needed her love and support, but the distance during the pandemic hadn't allowed it. He was angry that when he needed her the most, she wasn't there. She wasn't physically or mentally there. He had been forced to depend on others, to hold on to for support during those trying times. And now, when everything was getting better, she was back, questioning his actions. Couldn't she see that he had just been finding a way out of the pain of missing her?

Fiza curled up in a ball, feeling utterly defeated and heartbroken. It was hard to believe that just an hour ago, they were happy and in love, singing together and sharing intimate moments.

Now, it felt like everything was falling apart, and she couldn't bear the thought of losing him. But she also couldn't bear the pain of being with someone who seemed to resent her presence.

As she wept quietly, she wondered if this was the end of their journey together, and her heart ached with the possibility of losing the man she loved so deeply.

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