Chapter 27

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Fiza had made up her mind to leave early the next morning, setting her alarm for 5 am. Her decision was motivated by the freedom her Scooty offered, not being confined to the bus schedule.

Lying together in bed, Alan's concern welled up as she shared her plan. With Fiza cuddled up on his chest and him resting on his back, he couldn't help but voice his worries. "That's too early, Fiz. It'll be dark. I don't want you going by yourself in the dark," he urged, his protective instincts surfacing.

Fiza's response was a mumbled reminder, "It's dark now and I have to be at the hospital at 8," her determination evident despite the hour.

"Go at 6 then," Alan suggested, his lips brushing against the top of her head. Yet, underneath the surface of their conversation, his mind wrestled with a different unease. The encounter between Fiza and Faisal had left him unsettled. He had suspected Faisal's feelings for Fiza for some time, but today, he had seen something that hinted at Fiza's own emotions. Confusion gnawed at him. He believed in Fiza's love for him, so what was this connection she seemed to share with Faisal? It felt like more than friendship, and that realization was a source of turmoil in his heart.

"Fiz?" Alan's soft call roused Fiza from her thoughts, and she responded with a gentle hum.
"Is it too much?" he asked, his words laden with vulnerability.

"What?" Fiza's brows furrowed as she looked up at him, her expression marked by confusion.

"Am I too much?" Alan clarified, his gaze locked with hers, seeking understanding in the depths of her dark brown eyes.

"Alan..." she began, her voice carrying a tender reassurance that resonated with the depth of her feelings.

His anxiety spilled forth, his words tinged with self-doubt and concern. "I can't give you an easy life, Fiza. I'm not the best guy... I..."

His hesitation mirrored the complexity of his emotions, his internal struggle to articulate his fears and doubts. He grappled with a sense of inadequacy, the belief that he couldn't provide for her or care for her as she deserved. His temper and insecurities only seemed to exacerbate his doubts. He thought about the happiness and simplicity Fiza had experienced before he had entered her life, and he contrasted it with the intensity he often brought. He couldn't help but notice how easily she laughed with Faisal.

In response, Fiza drew his head down, her lips tracing a path across his before settling into a gentle kiss. Her words held a simplicity that belied their depth. "You make me feel," she confessed, her voice a soothing balm against his concerns. Nestling herself back into the warmth of his chest, she teased him, "Anything else you want to discuss about before we sleep?"

Alan's response came in the form of a shake of his head, his fingers tangling in her hair as he savored the tranquility of the moment.

"Alan?" Fiza's voice called out to him once more, a few minutes later.

"Yeah?" He answered, his attention fully on her.

"Don't you dare leave me," her words were a plea, her eyes closed as she clung to his sleeve.

"Never," Alan promised, his voice carrying the weight of his commitment.

A few months later, as the delta surge began to recede, life gradually shifted towards a new normal. The second year was drawing to a close, with only a few months left.

Though Fiza hadn't visited Alan again, their connection remained strong through continuous texting during the day and conversations at night. At times, they even left FaceTime on while they slept, seeking the solace of each other's presence even in slumber.

One day, as they talked, Alan asked her a question that had been gnawing at him. "How come you don't wear your engagement ring?" He noticed her subconsciously playing with the pendant around her neck while they talked.

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