Chapter 19

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After their visit with Ammachi, Alan took the opportunity to speak with the doctor in the hallway. Fiza stood beside him, a comforting presence during this difficult time. The doctor's expression was serious as he shared the latest developments regarding Ammachi's condition. Her oxygen requirements had increased significantly over the past two days, and her kidneys were now failing. The doctor's words were a somber reminder of the gravity of the situation.

As they left the hospital room, the heaviness of the news hung in the air. Alan's face was a mix of worry and determination as he addressed his parents via video call. "Ma, pa," he began, his voice steady despite the emotions bubbling beneath the surface, "Ammachi is seriously ill. We may need to prepare for the worst." His words were heavy with meaning, conveying the urgency of the situation and the need to confront the possibility of losing their beloved family member.

His parents appeared on the screen, their faces reflecting a combination of concern and acceptance. The reality of the situation seemed to have settled in, and they were prepared to face whatever came their way. The distance between them was palpable, yet their shared bond and support were evident even through the screen.

Their drive back to Manipal was mostly silent. Again, they took turns driving. "Alan, Ammachi seems to be at peace with her situation," reminded Fiza. He nodded.

"What did she ask you to promise her?" he asked curiously. Fiza blushed, "She wanted us to baptize our baby." Alan laughed. It was the first time he had laughed after returning from the hospital.

"That's Ammachi alright. Always finding a loophole through which she can get her way," he shook his head.

"You know, when Appachan was alive, we would visit them in Kerala during our vacation. She would make us drink fresh milk from the cow twice a day. Unpasteurized. Amma would be so mad. And the time she tried to carry fresh eggs in her carry-on bag on the flight," he smacked his forehead, laughing.

Fiza, not taking her eyes off the road, smiled at his memories. "She was so strict. She was the one who wanted me to be a doctor. I was good in studies, she said, so I needed to become a doctor. She laid out all her medicines in front of me each time she saw me."

"You fulfilled her wish. She must be so proud," Fiza said.

"I'm just happy she gave us her blessing. She hadn't been happy about us the last time we met." This was the first time he was telling Fiza this. "She had said she would disown me if I did a register marriage with you." Fiza understood how that would have affected him and even their relationship if she had continued to disapprove of them. She nodded.

As they pulled into their apartment building, Alan leaned into the driver's seat and kissed her cheek.

Hand in hand, they entered the apartment, a sense of urgency in the air. Alan pinned Fiza against the wall, taking her by surprise, her heartbeat quickening.

As he pressed her gently against the wall, the warmth of his body enveloping her. Fiza's breath danced across her lips as Alan's whispered words hung in the air like a promise, "Let's get married this week. We'll tell everyone later." His lips brushed against hers, a soft and lingering kiss that left her longing for more.

"Alan, we don't need to do that," Fiza responded, her voice a mixture of surprise and consideration. "I think the next time I go home, I'll ask Pappa and Mamma if we can get married without waiting for PG to be completed."

The depth of their commitment echoed in Alan's voice as he whispered close to her ear, causing a shiver to race down Fiza's spine, "I can't wait to be your husband." Her response was equally breathless, "I can't wait to be your wife."

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