Chapter 9

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As Fiza looked into Alan's eyes, she couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Had he really kept their relationship a secret from Aradya and his other friends? The thought of him possibly cheating on her was painful, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Alan saw the sadness in Fiza's eyes, and felt a deep sense of shame for his actions. In truth, he liked the attention he received from the female interns, and it had opened up the opportunity for him to meet their friends as well.

At some level, he thought that they wouldn't be as friendly with him if they knew he was in a committed relationship. And he had been lonely without Fiza, he had just wanted a temporary relief from the pain of missing her.

Fiza didn't want to confront him or start a fight. Instead, she mustered a smile and spoke softly, "I missed you, Alan." Her words were a reminder of the love they shared, and Alan felt a sense of relief that she wasn't pushing the issue further.

"I missed you too, my Fiza," Alan replied, grateful that she wasn't angry with him. Her warmth and understanding made him realize how lucky he was to have her in his life.

Then, with a mixture of relief and guilt, Alan introduced Fiza to Aradya and the others, emphasizing their relationship as he said, "This is my girlfriend, no, my fiance, Fiza."

Fiza blushed at the term "fiance," feeling a rush of happiness and love for Alan. "Fiza, this is Aradya, I've told you about her. You know Siddhart, my hostel roommate. These are Hrudya, Vaishnavi and Vivek."

Aradya didn't seem too pleased with the revelation. She rolled her eyes, making it clear that she wasn't happy with this news. Aradya pressed on, "Why didn't you ever mention having a fiance before?" Alan just shrugged in response.

It was only on the day before the trip, that he sent a message in the group chat that his girlfriend would be joining them. It had taken Aradya by surprise but she hadn't said anything then.

The group clambered into the SUV. Siddarth's driving seemed to fade into the background as Fiza focused on Alan, who pulled her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist in an attempt to comfort her. From time to time, he kissed her hair, just taking in her proximity.

They stopped at a restroom near a petrol pump and Fiza found herself alone with Aradya.

"It's cool that you guys are in an open relationship," she said with nonchalant indifference. Fiza's tears threatened to spill over, and she turned her head away as she wiped them, not wanting Aradya to see her vulnerability.

"We aren't," she finally managed to say, her voice cracking with emotion.

"Oh, I thought you knew." Aradya's casual response cut through the air like a knife, adding salt to Fiza's wounds. "My mistake."

Fiza got back to the car and sat there while the group stayed outside, chatting. Her heart felt like it was being squeezed in a vise, and she struggled to catch her breath.

She felt lost and broken. The thought of Alan being unfaithful was unbearable.

Her tears fell silently, and she wiped them away, trying to regain some semblance of composure before the others returned. Her heart was torn between wanting to confront Alan and fearing the truth that might be revealed. She would not stay with him if he had cheated.

Alan looked around and didn't see Fiza. He thought maybe she was in the restroom and knocked on the door. He then came back to the car and saw her inside. He took a deep breath. He saw her tear stained face. He had been giving her his full attention ever since she had arrived. Why was she crying?

"Fiza, come on. This is supposed to be a fun trip. I don't want you causing drama," said Alan. Stung, Fiza's eyes widened at his words. "Give me a minute," she said.

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