Chapter 30

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Fiza re-entered the room by herself, her heart heavy with the weight of the unresolved tension between her and Alan. She had poured her heart into creating a meaningful birthday gift for him, hoping to make the day special despite their arguments.

As she stepped inside, she spotted Alan on the bed, hastily ending a phone call upon realizing she was back. Had she taken his advice and kissed Faisal? Why wasn't she meeting his gaze?

"Fiza?" His voice wavered with a blend of caution and longing, his heart yearning for connection. But Fiza's refusal to look at him only fueled his sense of panic. Could she have already made up her mind so quickly?

While Fiza was out with Faisal, Alan's internal turmoil led him to call his mother. He bared his insecurities about his relationship with Fiza and candidly shared his worries about Faisal. He even confessed that he had presented Fiza with the choice between them. His mother, though acknowledging his misstep, offered advice from a place of love, urging him to communicate his feelings genuinely and to not overanalyze things.

As the night wore on, Alan's voice softened with weariness. "It's getting late, Fiz. Let's call it a night, come on," he suggested, moving to rise from his bed. However, his surprise was evident as he witnessed Fiza gravitating toward Faisal's side of the room, just beyond the partition. The sudden twist of events struck him with bewildering force, a feeling akin to a physical blow to his gut, leaving him disoriented and lost.

Fiza, weary from the emotional back-and-forth, sought some space to gather her thoughts. With Faisal away for the night, she only wished to organize her feelings before she returned to Alan's side by midnight. She was determined not to let this situation spoil his birthday.

Alan's resentment towards Fiza being in Faisal's room was overpowering. He regretted the day he had agreed to become roommates with Faisal, seeing it now as a trap designed to provide Faisal access to Fiza - his Fiza. His frustration surged, and his temper flared as he impulsively followed her into Faisal's room. The sight of her lying on his bed ignited a storm of emotions within him.

His eyes glinted with anger as he reached her and forcefully grabbed her arm, his grip tight. "Cut this out, Fiza!" he shouted, his jealousy and possessiveness spiraling out of control. Images of Faisal touching her, kissing her, surged into his mind - a vision that he couldn't bear.

In his intense moment of anger, he pulled her, not realizing the force would cause her to tumble out of the bed. The sound of her pained cry reverberated in the room as her body collided with the hard floor. "Aah!" Fiza's voice was laced with pain, her eyes welling up with tears. Alan hadn't intended for her to fall, his expectations having been for her to resist.

As she struggled to regain her footing, Alan scooped her up in his arms, slinging her over his shoulder. He marched back to his own side of the room, depositing her on his bed with a thud. Fiza gasped in disbelief, her voice tinged with shock and reproach, "Alan!"

He climbed on her, grabbing both her hands and pinning them down before she could react. Her eyes widened under his menacing gaze. He just saw red. She needed to learn that she belonged to him.

He kissed her lips and to his surprise, she was kissing him back. Fervently. He pulled back and looked at her confused. Why did it surprise him that she wanted him too? She held his gaze steadily. He left her wrist and caressed her face, dipping his body on hers.

"Alaan..." she moaned. He slipped his index finger into her mouth as he kissed her neck, slowly making his way down. She was gliding her hands up and his abdomen, having found a way under his shirt. His lips on hers, he squeezed her bosom over her kurti and his other hand found it way into her panties. His tongue invaded her mouth while his finger found it's way inside her. His body crushed hers. He was going to take her again for the second time today. He smirked. She was his.

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