Chapter 28 - Just Mine

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Warning: mature, descriptive. Please skip if uncomfortable.

Alan's world seemed to crumble as he processed the scene before him. The girl he loved, Fiza, sat there while Faisal's touch lingered upon her, and she didn't resist.

Questions swirled in his mind like a storm - was his Fiza attracted to Faisal? Did she have feelings for him? Had something intimate occurred between them? Would something have happened had he not walked in?

"Alan?" Fiza called out to him, her voice was thick with emotion.

He felt a whirlwind of emotions-hurt, anger, confusion-surge within him as he struggled to make sense of the situation.

Faisal, who had been holding Fiza's pendant, finally released it, his own spell momentarily broken. Avoiding eye contact with Alan, Faisal retreated to his side of the room.

Alan's face contorted with pain as he approached her.

"Alan, I can explain," Fiza began.

"Please don't," Alan's response was curt and pained.

"It wasn't what it looked like," Fiza's words tumbled out, her concern evident.

Alan continued his slow approach, his hurt expression shifting to anger. He forcefully pulled at her legs, causing her to slide from a seated to a lying position on the bed. The intensity in his eyes sent a wave of fear through her.

"Please don't hurt me," her voice trembled as she whimpered.

Alan's anger seemed to melt into a mixture of hurt and confusion. The realization that she was scared of him struck him deeply. Did she truly believe he would harm her?

A memory surfaced, one of his own actions in Agumbe. He understood why she might be afraid. How could he blame her? If she wanted to leave him, maybe he should just let her go.

"Don't you dare leave me," her words from a few months ago echoed in his mind.

He climbed over her, his presence engulfing her space. Fiza's eyes widened, fear filling her gaze. "Alan, I-" Her words were cut short as his lips met hers.

He kissed her with a desperation that spoke of his pain and frustration, a silent plea for her to understand without words.

Breaking away, Alan's position straddling her conveyed a mixture of intensity and determination. With both hands, he seized her gold chain-the symbol of an unwanted intrusion-and his intent was clear. With a forceful tug, he snapped the chain, the sound of her pained exclamation echoing in the room. He flung the broken necklace toward the bathroom door.

He discarded his shirt, his chest bare and he hovered over her, his touch now gentle as he ran his fingers along the neckline of her slip.

"My Fiza," he whispered.

Fiza moaned softly, her hands finding their way to his bare chest, her fingers tracing the contours of his muscles.

Amidst the whirlwind of sensations-Alan's kisses, Faisal's gaze, and her own inner turmoil-she was overwhelmed, her thoughts a jumble of desires and confusion. Craving Alan's touch while grappling with the aftermath of her encounter with Faisal, Fiza's emotions spun like a tempest within her.

Alan's hands glided over the fabric of her slip, his touch a deliberate exploration that trailed from her neck to her shoulders, caressing her breasts and finally resting on her stomach. The intensity in his gaze met hers as he voiced his question, his voice carrying a note of vulnerability and insecurity that tugged at her heart.

"This was for me?" he inquired.

Confusion laced Fiza's response, "What?"

"You wore this for me, right?" Alan's vulnerability shone through, laying bare his concerns.

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