Chapter 20

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During their second year of PG, Alan's schedule became even more demanding due to his increased time in the operating theater (OT). Fiza, on the other hand, found herself with comparatively more free time. Despite their busy schedules, they tried their best to spend time together whenever Alan had a lighter day and Fiza was off from her duties, which ended up being about once or twice a month.

When time permitted , they worked on their music, nurturing their creative outlet and played basketball together.

One Saturday, Fiza let herself into Alan's apartment with her spare key, finding Faisal in the common space.

"Oh hi, Faisal!" she greeted him with a smile.

"Hi, Fiza!" Faisal responded, his face lighting up. "I got our research approved. We can start working on data collection," he informed her.

Fiza couldn't help but make a face at the mention of the task ahead. "You mean poop collection," she corrected herself. Their research involved collecting stool samples from children with typical and atypical development to analyze the microorganisms present.

"I worked on our study design, the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Do you want to go over it? Alan's going to be here pretty late, so I have time," Fiza suggested.

Faisal agreed, "Yes, that sounds good." As they settled down to discuss the research, Faisal's mind wandered. He had become accustomed to seeing Fiza with Alan and had accidentally walked in on them in compromising situations a few times.

While he had accepted their relationship, he couldn't help but harbor his own feelings for Fiza deep down. Even though he tried to be supportive and understanding, there were moments when he wished things were different, that Fiza could be his partner.

He found himself occasionally wondering if Fiza had feelings for him and was only held back by her commitment to Alan.

Today, Faisal found Fiza exceptionally attractive. Her hair was gathered in a messy bun, she wore her glasses, and she was chewing on a pen as she delved into the revised study design. He struggled to focus on their work, his gaze repeatedly drifting toward her.

"Yeah, I think it looks good now, Sir," she remarked, looking up and noticing his intense gaze. A blush adorned her cheeks.

"Fiza, I think you can just call me Faisal now. I'm not your senior anymore," he gently suggested.

"Okay, Faisal," she replied, smiling at him. The sound of his name on her lips sent a thrill through him, his heart racing at the intimacy of it.

"Faisal, you okay?" Fiza asked, concern evident in her voice. She had noticed him staring at her quite a bit today, and it made her slightly self-conscious.

Faisal cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, I just got a bit lost in thought." He offered her a sheepish smile.

"Fiza, can I ask you something personal?" Faisal inquired, his nervousness betraying his attempt at nonchalance. Fiza met his gaze, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"Is Alan your first boyfriend?" he ventured, his voice a mix of curiosity and anxiety.

"Yeah," she responded simply, leaving the statement hanging there without further elaboration.

"How do you know he's the one?" Faisal asked, his heart pounding in his chest. He hoped his question wouldn't push her away.

"I just know it," she replied with a serene certainty. But her gaze dropped to her fingers, as if she were lost in contemplation.

"Fiza, before you met Alan, did you have an idea of what you wanted?" Faisal probed, his curiosity pushing him to delve deeper. To his surprise, Fiza's laughter filled the air, causing him to tilt his head in intrigue.

Stay MineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora