Chapter 45

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It felt like everything was finally falling into place. Alan loved her, made the effort to commute to Mangalore to be with her, and was actively working on his anger and insecurities. She no longer wanted to hold back. She knew she belonged to him and saw him as her husband, whether they were legally married or not. Regardless of the outcome of the pennukaanal, she couldn't imagine ever being separated from him.

She kissed him passionately, pouring all her emotions into it. Their tongues danced together, and she held onto his shirt tightly.

He slowly guided her to the bed, until her knees hit the edge. She sat down and he loomed over her.

She looked into those eyes, their breaths ragged with emotion and desire. He lifted her legs up and shifted her to the center of the bed. He hovered over her kissing her gently over her cheeks. Soft lingering kisses. He nibbled on her lips and tugged at them. "Mmmm..." moaned Fiza, electrified by his touch . His gaze shifted downward from her face to her neck and her curves that rose up and down as she heaved, taking big anticipatory breaths.

He wanted her, all of her. But he loved her more than he desired her. She had always become emotional when they got intimate, and he wanted to respect her.

"Do you want to keep going?" He asked her softly caressing her cheeks.

Fiza was floored. Her Alan was asking permission to proceed. She nodded and arched her head back. He took the cue and kissed her neck. "Alan," she moaned huskily. "Alan..."

He lifted the kurti up but had trouble getting it off her. "Zip" she said, reaching to the zip on the side of her kurti but Alan placed his hands on hers and pulled her zip down, his fingers grazing the side of her chest. Goose pumps erupted at the site of his touch.

Smiling at her, he put his hand in through the opening of her side zip and realized that she wasn't wearing a bra. He frowned at her confused.

"What is it, love?" She asked him, her voice almost a coo.

"No bra?" He asked, squeezing a bare bosom.
"Mmm," she moaned at his touch. "It's fitted with padding..." Her breath hitched as he did things to her with his fingers.

He kissed her stomach and Fiza took a deep breath in response. He was going lower down.

"Alan..." Fiza warned.

"You don't like that?" He asked her. She shook her head. He ran his fingers up and down her inner thigh and separated her legs. He removed the knot that kept her pallazo pants up and slowly took them off. Lost in his eyes, Fiza unbuttoned his shirt and he quickly removed it.

Placing himself between her legs, her asked her, "Are you doing okay?" She nodded.

He kissed her mouth again while his fingers slipped into her panties and explored her wetness.

"Alan!" Fiza moaned his name over and over.

"I'm going to go inside you, okay?" He asked her, softly kissing her forehead.

"Condom" she whispered.

"I don't have one." Alan said, ashamed that he hadn't brought it along. He hadn't imagined this happening.

"In my bag." Said Fiza blushing. Alan chuckled and put the condom on, making sure that he was gentle when he entered her.

"Still doing okay?" he inquired, gazing into her eyes. She nodded.

"Words," he commanded.

"Yes," she replied, her voice breathless.

He started moving in her. It was painful, her body was still not used to this. Fiza clenched her teeth and held on to his arms.

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