This is perfect......

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A/N: So, um..... Last chapter was the end. You and Yoongi are happy again after almost 2 months of neglect and misunderstanding and depression, and Yoongi has to get used to his new single-eyed life.

Yoongi still has nightmares about his brother's death, drowning, and now about being tortured, and also losing you. Sometimes he'll dream about the abandoned hospital exploration but with you in his big bro's place instead, and it all plays out the same which means you die by gunfire, Yoongi escapes, and his parents are deadly disappointed in him. That actually gets him throwing himself out of bed and crying. I mean... who wouldn't? Losing his eye worsened his depression, but you've been helping him get through it.

You help expand ARMY Mechanics expand into a chain, making you and the others more money. As if you, Jin, Hobi, or Jimin needed to get richer lol. Each of you were leaders of your own teams, except you and Namjoon sorta share one and split it in half, so now he does all the accounting and numbers and you do all the managing. Of course, Yoongi still caused Jin (the blueprint master) trouble with his creative genius by doing what he has been doing forever: not following his blueprints all the way through and butchering the plans with marker so his changes can't be erased. Everybody would just watch Jin rap-scold-lecture him for two minutes while Yoongi will just lounge there with his boots on the table, not giving a shit lol. They always turn out better whenever Yoongi interferes with his designs tbh 😂.  He keeps getting let off the hook by Namjoon because of that lmao.

Yes, eventually he and you had sex, but not in the span of 2 years. That's too fast, in my opinion.

You're welcome for that

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You're welcome for that.

The video I shared was just perfect and I had to share. It was the best representation for the plot.

The story was inspired by one thing, and that was this:

The story was inspired by one thing, and that was this:

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