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When you brought Yoongi home from the hospital, he was back to disliking you. The loving one from the hospital bed was gone.

You made dinner for him and he watched a documentary on the TV. It was history he was watching. Going to bed, he stopped in front of the open door of your room. He stared longingly inside. You kept an eye on him so he wouldn't accidentally trip himself. He ended up going in, but in short time, he came back out holding clothes, then entered the guest bedroom next to your room and slammed the door.

Looked like you were sleeping alone tonight.

It saddened you, but you didn't want to push anything. Talking to him would be the first mistake tonight.

The next morning, you woke up early before Yoongi could and ran to the store to get disposable cotton eyepatches. When you came back, you approached Yoongi who was still asleep, carefully removed his eyepatch, lifted his top eyelid, squeezed a drop of ointment into it, let the eyelid close itself, dabbed his cut and stitches with a damp towel and some Vaseline, and placed a new clean eyepatch on his eye. You thought you might as well do it in his sleep while he was powerless to fight back.

When Yoongi was awake, you served him breakfast in bed and some water. He didn't speak to you. After stretching, he went to rub his eye, but you grabbed his hand away to stop him and reminded him the doctor said not to do that.

You told him that you already put the ointment in and that his eye was already beginning to bruise and swell. He looked like he was thinking, so at least he was listening to you. That, or his brain was somewhere else entirely and he didn't hear you at all.

When you asked him if his eye was hurting or bothering him, he didn't respond. Instead, he slithered back into the blankets to go back to sleep. So, you took his dishes to wash the plate and refill his water.

Yoongi came down later that day, clinging to a wall. He flopped onto the couch to watch movies and you gave him fruit to snack on if he ever wanted to eat something. His hair was a mess, his long bangs shielding his eyes like curtains. Clearly he was not in the mood and in too much pain to fix his hair. But he wasn't going anywhere anyway, so it didn't matter. You thought he looked handsome no matter how crazy or neat his hair was.

You placed a vase with flowers in it on the coffee table in front of Yoongi. "These are for you."

"Why?" He questioned bleakly.

"They're from Hoseok. He dropped them off this afternoon."

"Hoseok." Yoongi sighed.

"And this is from me." You used your fingers to transfer the tiniest kiss and placed them on his forehead.

Yoongi clutched your hand and wrist and was beginning to slowly crush them.

"Ow. Yoongi." You grimaced.

"Don't. Do that. Again." He growled deeply.

"You're still mad about the last two days." You murmured softly.

"More than mad."

"I know and I'm so sorry."

"Stop apologizing. It's getting you nowhere."

"Yoongi, it was to protect you. You have to understand that. He had guns on you while you were at work and he WAS going to kill you if I didn't cooperate. I know you've been through a lot, and it's all my fault—"

"It is your fault."

"But I understand you have a lot to process."

Yoongi rose from the sofa quickly to face you. "You understand nothing! Look at me! I'm missing a fucking eye! I have a huge ass scar on my face! And my 'girlfriend' is responsible for all of it because of one fucking lie! I thought I loved you! I thought you were different! I thought I knew you! And when I was at my most vulnerable, you took your chance!"

The guilt weighed down on you again. "I don't want to fight with you. I'll give you time alone. I'll come back at bedtime to give you your drops and clean your stitches." You left and placed something on the sofa cushions. "Here's a blanket if you want one."

You didn't interact with Yoongi for the rest of the day. He was still exhausted. All you did was serve him dinner and take care of his wounds for him.

The next day, he said he wanted to leave, like, forever. That broke your heart and you didn't let him. He needed someone to take care of him, and that someone was you. Nobody else knew the care and recovery details like you did. Nobody else knew how to place his conformer back in like you did. You were more crucial for his health than ever before.

Because of your persistence, Yoongi gave up trying to move out, but only because you gave him free food, somewhere to sleep, remembered when he had to take his ointment drops for him, made his next appointment for him, and kept him comfortable.

The others, excluding Hoseok, now knew about Yoongi's eye prosthetic surgery and the story behind it. They were very supportive, but they found it all a shock at first. Namjoon had put you and Yoongi on a long paid holiday. For Yoongi, it was obvious. For you, it was only because you were acting as Yoongi's house nurse.

Agust D was forced to forfeit from the racing season. ..... Again. He didn't mind it this time. He wanted to be lazy and sleep all day and lounge around like a cat while he recovered.

Because you always put in his drops first thing in the morning and last thing in the night, he almost never had his conformer fall out. It was only when his head was vertical that it would sometimes happen, even under the eyepatch. It was a weird thing for you at first to put something that belongs in the eye back into the socket, but you got used to it. Eventually, Yoongi got used to it, too, and he was able to put it back in himself without your help.

The red in his eye socket turned as pink as his gums, which you assumed was its natural color. The bruising and swelling also had slowly gone down. And lastly, the stitches in his face went away and now it was just a healing scar.

And it made you glad to see him getting better.

There was only one thing. Yoongi was obviously in pain, annoyed by headaches and discomfort in his eye socket, but he strongly refused to take any Tylenol whatsoever. He still refused pills in fear of addiction. Even though the doctor practically told him to take the painkiller, you didn't fight Yoongi about it and let him do what he wanted.

When Yoongi's follow-up appointment came, you went with him. You practically had to drag him there. He hated hospitals just as much as he hated those pills.

They said that his eye looked good and well taken care of. It was also told that Yoongi still needed to wear something over his eye, like a real eyepatch. Yoongi didn't want one, so they said he could keep wearing disposable cotton eyepatches. Yoongi didn't want that either. The last proposal that the doctor could give him was sunglasses. Now THAT piqued Yoongi's interests. The final thing the doctor said was that Yoongi would have to make an appointment with an ocularist to make him a prosthetic eye.

After getting home, you scheduled Yoongi's next appointment and Yoongi tore off his cotton eyepatch and replaced it with a pair of black Ray-Ban sunglasses. He seemed more content with the sunglasses. To you, he honestly looked cooler with them on with his messy hair and scar down his face.

He never stopped wearing sunglasses. From the moment he woke up to the moment he went to sleep, whether he was indoors or outdoors, he never took them off. Not being able to see the emotions in his eye behind the shades was troublesome, but you got used to it. And the sunglasses honestly made putting the ointment in easier.

Burnout Heart | M.YG Bad Boy FFजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें