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You fidgeted with your hair

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You fidgeted with your hair. There were many reasons for doing it: stress, fear, anxiety, guilt, regret, helplessness, depression.

Yoongi still wouldn't talk to you. He spent all night with his eyes shut, but you weren't sure if he was asleep or not. You, yourself, couldn't sleep at all.

Yoongi shifted, softly moaning. So, he WAS asleep. He was dreaming a gentle dream. A pleasant dream. A comforting dream about you. It was not his choice to have this dream, yet he chose not to wake from it. It was a well-deserved dream after all the suffering and emotional tolls he's been through.

Yoongi mumbled indistinguishably only one thing: "Sweetheart......" And then he hummed a gentle moan again.

You moved to sit beside him. While you still had the chance because he was dreaming, you carefully cupped his jaw and caressed his cheek. You gently kissed between his eyes and whispered to him that you loved him. After everything, you still loved him just the same. You then brushed his bangs away from his new red scar. Your fingers combed through his messy hair that was rustled during his torment.

Sitting there, you fiddled with your own hair. As you did, you felt something cold and unnatural. Taking it out into your view, it was a hairpin. You got flashbacks of Yoongi breaking into your house just to get inside and be with you before he ever moved in. You believed he had the thieving skills to use the hairpin to picklock the cell door.

Dawn was approaching, and Silver's men promised to torture Yoongi again by morning. You couldn't waste any more time. You shook Yoongi in hopes to wake him.

Yoongi's eyes slowly opened to you. His dark gaze was soft and welcoming when it laid on you. It only lasted for a split second. Quickly, the look in his eyes turned fiery. He pushed you off and scurried away across the floor to make distance. The expression of anger, betrayal, and hate was back. It was so unnatural to see the grey fog clouding the iris and pupil of his right eye.

"Yoongi, you need to leave. Get out of here." You urged him, purposefully saying "you" instead of "we."

"With what?" Yoongi muttered bitterly.

You held up the hairpin pinched in your fingers. "Do you think you can pick the lock with this?"

Yoongi's tense eyes lit up with hope. He lunged forward and swiped the hairpin from your grip, then launched on his feet at the bars, his legs wobbling while he held on for balance and stability. He shoved the hairpiece into the lock and began to wiggle and twist. It was more difficult than usual. He tried to close his blind eye to improve the last remaining one with vision, but to no avail.

It took twice as long, but Yoongi managed to pick the lock and open the door. He attempted to avoid as little creaking from the hinges as possible as he pushed it forward to not alert anyone.

You came up behind him, peeking over his shoulder. Yoongi twisted to you, and in a second, he shoved you roughly into a wall, holding you firmly against it.

"Follow me if you want. I don't care what you do. Just don't get in my way. I won't hesitate if you do. I WILL hurt you." Yoongi warned you.

You only had a gentle gaze to give him.

Yoongi quickly left the cell, creeping silently down the stone hall. You stayed behind him, watching your steps and doing your best to make little sound.

There was a private policeman ahead standing guard with his back turned. Yoongi prowled on him, stalking closer like a tiger about to pounce a gazelle. With quick, silent movements, Yoongi covered the guard's mouth and kicked him down from behind the knee. From there, he took his head and snapped his neck swiftly. The body fell limp, no longer breathing.

Yoongi continued forward.

You were in shock. You had no idea Yoongi would actually kill someone. You didn't know he had the strength to take a life. Before today ever came, he was rude, but never cruel. He was gentle, never harsh. And he was careful, never ignorant.

For the next few guards, Yoongi went full assassin mode on them. Eventually, he was heard.

"What was that?" Called a voice on the corner cautiously.

Yoongi froze, then stuck to the wall like a spider.

A visible beam of light from the left grew larger and brighter. "Who's there?"

You wanted Yoongi to keep moving forward before he could ever get killed. He was in bad shape, and you were willing to do anything to keep him alive, even give yourself up so he could have a chance. And that's exactly what you did.

You stepped forward and revealed yourself to the guard with the light.

"You!" He called. "How did you get out?"

You didn't say anything.

"Nevermind. Get back in your cell with your stray!"

He clutched your arms, immobilizing them behind your back and pushing you back through the hall you came from. You tilted your head back to block his vision from catching sight of Yoongi. As you came by, Yoongi slipped a knife from the guards sheath without him noticing, practically pickpocketing him.

A quarter down the hall, Yoongi pounced the guard that was returning you to your cell and slit his throat. You were let go and you heard gurgling and gasping closely behind you. Getting out of the way and whipping around, the guard held his neck spilling with red, then lowered to the floor and died slowly. Yoongi was standing on the other side of the body with the blade in hand.

"We're even." That was all Yoongi said before he moved on.

You still followed him. Yoongi was only taking out guards blocking his path, but the killings compromised you. You knew Yoongi was not feeling like himself at all. The person you knew was replaced with the person you saw. He was a flooded, raging river. Because he was entirely someone else as if his body was possessed, you could forgive him for his violence. The Yoongi you knew would never deal in absolutes.

Or was that what he wanted you to think?

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