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You called only Hoseok to say that Yoongi was currently in surgery because he was the closest to Yoongi and explained everything that happened. He came with you to visit Yoongi after his surgery was finished.

Hoseok comforted you, but he also needed comfort, as well.

At Yoongi's hospital bed, Hoseok held Yoongi's hand while you nuzzled your face to your—technically—ex boyfriend's as you stroked his jaw and neck.

Yoongi had a white cotton eyepatch over his right eye and stitches sewed his cauterized cut shut. Under his hospital gown, bandages were wrapped around his chest and ribs. He had an IV attached to his arm and a heart monitor around the tip of his finger.

It took some time for Yoongi to wake up, but when he did, his fingers touched your knuckles before loosely holding your hand. His single-eyed gaze gently looked upon you. He was behaving as if you had never broken up. He'd forgotten. The anesthetics in his body were still strong and affecting his brain, causing him to forget his anger and hate towards you. It was as if the last 24 hours were temporarily wiped from his memory.

"Sweetheart." Yoongi whispered to you. He liked waking up to you. But he had no idea he underwent surgery.

You pet his hair as you naturally smiled at him. "Hi." You murmured in response as your voice rasped.

"Did I ever tell you.... how much I love you?"

That's the drugs talking..... Your brain said sadly. You looked into his remaining eye gloomily. You didn't mean to give him that look.

"What's up?"

"You just got out of surgery."

"For what?"

"You...." You took a breath. "You had to have your eye taken... and replaced with a prosthetic... You were badly injured...."

The look in his eye changed with fear and surprise.

"I'm so sorry... It's all my fault..."

"Probably not all of it. I was always too reckless for my parents."

If only you knew.... If you remembered.... You thought regrettably.

"Lighten up." Yoongi softly smiled.

His hand slithered to the back of your head and drew your face closer to his. His lips grazed yours before they puckered for a sweet, little peck. You were surprised. To return the love he was showing, you kissed him, and he kissed you back.

"I'm tired." Yoongi rested his head back down on the pillow.

"Hoseok's here. He's worried about you." You informed him.

"Since when did this become a public gathering?"

"Yoongi.... He's the only one I told. The others don't know yet. I just thought you could use a little more support."

"Hyung, if you need time alone..." Hoseok was about to offer.

"No. You're fine. You're not annoying..... Yet." Yoongi didn't mind Hoseok staying. "I'm just..... so tired...."

"We don't blame you." You softly told him. "Go back to sleep. We'll be here and listen to what the doctor will have to say."

Yoongi's body relaxed in relief; his eye closed and brow furrowed. You carefully kissed the corner of his mouth. His fingers clenched and stroked the back of your head in response. You knew this moment wouldn't last, and that you wouldn't have one like it for a long, long while. When Yoongi's fingers stopped, his brow loosened back to its neutral position.

"Yoongi?" You called his name softly.

Your hand gently pressed Yoongi's shoulder and your thumb slid across his collarbone. He didn't respond. He fell back asleep. It was probably for the best.

Later, a doctor came in to speak with Yoongi about to-dos and not-to-dos, but Yoongi was still sleeping, so he left and said he would come back later.

Later came and the doctor returned. This time Yoongi was awake. He removed the cotton eyepatch from Yoongi's face to change the dressing over his closed right eye. He then used his thumb to lift and shift Yoongi's eyelids to see behind them. All you could see was glossy red and a shine. There wasn't an eye there anymore and it almost scared you when you saw it. That was a quality you'll have to get used to.

The doctor said to keep the dressing on for two to three days and to avoid getting the head wet no matter what. Afterwords, Yoongi was allowed to wash his face and shower normally, but to not put his head underwater until two weeks had passed. He wanted Yoongi to wear eyepatches for a month until his follow-up appointment. He was permitted to use the painkiller Tylenol after two days, but nothing else.

Yoongi was prescribed TobraDex, an antibiotic eye ointment. It was explained how to apply it: wash hands first, squeeze in a tiny drop, keep the eye closed for one to two minutes, then wash hands again. The drops were to be applied twice a day until Yoongi's follow-up appointment.

The last thing the doctor informed was that Yoongi would feel headaches and his eye socket would get itchy. He warned him not to rub, press, or bump the eye socket. Other common symptoms were bruising or swelling around the socket, watery or pink-colored drainage from leftover blood and tears, and a mild discomfort around the eye socket. It was predicted that Yoongi would be off-balanced and his coordination wouldn't be all entirely there. Having only one eye was a process that would take time to get used to.

It was noted that the clear conformer in Yoongi's eye was meant to keep the shape of his eye and may fall out a few times for the next several days or weeks. If it did, it would have to be cleaned with regular soap and water before putting it back in.

Since you were planning to take care of Yoongi all the way through his recovery, you asked for him how to take it in and out, and the doctor showed you. Hoseok turned away in discomfort. The doctor also explained to you that the holes in the conformer were there for the ointment to soil through and into the rest of the eye socket.

As for the cracked ribs in Yoongi's chest, they might take six weeks to heal, according to the doctor. He said that ice packs and pillows were Yoongi's best friends in that scenario.

The stitches in Yoongi's face were predicted to fall out or dissolve within a week or so. It was also said that Vaseline could help boost the healing process. It was suggested to also wash the cut twice a day with water.

In the end, taking care of Yoongi was not going to be easy. Because of the unpleasant behavior he had before the surgery, he was going to make it more difficult for you. You swore to yourself to never let him out of your sight in case something would happen that you would have to help him take care of.

This new journey with him was going to be a trial of patience. You promised yourself to always stay kind and caring to him to avoid as many fights as possible, no matter how badly he might treat you because of his misunderstanding of your original intentions. And like Jimin told you before: you would have to out-stubborn his stubbornness. Tenacity and persistence were more crucial than ever now.

One thing was for certain: Yoongi was not going to like being stuck living with you. He lost trust in you. He might try to leave, and that was something you couldn't let happen. You were the only one that could take care of him properly and you knew he wouldn't take good care of himself if he had to do all this alone. He might even go back to the lower city, or crash at Jin's place for a good, long while. You wanted to keep him home so you could care and watch over him at all times.

Yoongi was still important to you. The moment he woke up and gazed at you sweetly and the way he kissed and caressed you before he fell back asleep were your reason to keep caring and loving him. Even though he forgot, and his bitter memories would soon return, there was still love left in him.

You couldn't lose hope on him. Not now. Not until he's proven to truly despise you deep in his core, which you believed wouldn't happen.

All you had to do was prove yourself to him again and earn it all back. It shouldn't be that hard, right? You've done it before. Why not do it again?

Burnout Heart | M.YG Bad Boy FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora