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After leaving your car in the city parking garage, you and Jungkook walked down a few blocks to the huge arcade located in downtown Busan. In the arcade, you paid for your and Jungkook's tickets.

Before going straight for the fun, you wanted to eat first. The two of you sat at a table in the restaurant portion of the arcade. After you both ordered alcoholic slush drinks, Jungkook looked around at the arcade.

"What do you want to do first?" He asked you.

"I'm not sure." You answered simply. "I want to get the go-karts and laser tag out of the way first since they're the most tiring. We can do whatever after that."

"If that's what you want, then let's do laser tag first, and then a couple rounds of go-karting."

"That sounds good. Why a couple rounds of go-karting, though?"

"Because racing is fun?"

You smiled. "I've always known you as a car guy."

"We met last year." Jungkook reminded you.

"It's still long enough to know how much you love cars and racing."

"I guess that's true."

After you got your cold slushie drinks, you ordered food. Jungkook wanted a huge American style burger while you got a grilled sandwich.

"How far are you on the essay?" Jungkook brought up a different conversation.

"There's so much to touch on. I think I'm almost halfway finished." You answered him.


"If you let me work, I probably would've already been halfway through."

"It's not my fault! You looked like you were turning into a zombie typing that paper!"

"Well... I was up pretty late last night writing it."

"You see! You see! You're overdue for a break!"

"Okay, okay, I get it. You were only taking care of me." You admitted softly.

Jungkook gave you a sweet smile to brighten your evening.

"How's it been at the shop?" You directed the conversation onto him.

"Ah, kinda boring. The point of them hiring me was to be their auto paint technician, but there's hardly anything they want me to paint. It's been mostly cars that need repairs and chipped paint they want me to cover up." He wasn't very interested in talking about work at the auto repair shop.

"That sucks." You sympathized with him. "Sounds like your artistic talent is being wasted."

"Sometimes it feels like it is. I wish there was a hot rod or something they would let me go crazy on. And Taehyungie hyung still won't let me paint his old rat rods."

"Whose what rods?"

Jungkook's doe eyes got big as he froze, realizing his mistake. "Just a friend that builds steampunk cars."

You just nodded.

"Was that your Lincoln they rolled in the shop the other day?" Jungkook wanted to confirm with you.

"Was it the only black Lincoln SUV that day?" You followed up his question.

"We hardly ever get Lincolns, so yes."

"Then I guess that means it was. With the overheating problem?"

"Yeah. That one."

"That totally was my car."

Burnout Heart | M.YG Bad Boy FFWhere stories live. Discover now