"What a beautiful dress. Is this really a fairy tale world?"

"Is there a witch here? I want to make a wish to the witch."

"The witch is a villain, you should make a wish to the princess, the princess will give you a big house..."

The five babies were surprised all the way, it was so cool here. In this unique experience, the pumpkin carriage continued to move forward, and after a while, it came to the inside of the castle.

Everyone got out of the car and headed to the banquet hall led by Zach.

The Queen's Banquet Hall has more than 600 square meters. The entire hall is splendid, the walls are surrounded by murals with medieval characteristics, and nearly twenty maid knights stand on both sides.

In the center of the hall is a large dining table nearly ten meters long. There are a variety of dishes on the dining table, and there are rows of candles on it. Under the rendering of the dining table and knights, the whole hall is magnificent.

Zheng Haitao and his party walked in.

At this time, Queen Kelly was sitting at the main seat of the restaurant, wearing a black dress and shaking red wine. Her appearance is not stunning, but she is full of aura, and she is a veritable queen of the sky.

"My warrior, is this your friend? I have prepared a sumptuous dinner, please enjoy it." Zheng Haitao and others walked in, and Queen Kelly looked up. At the same time, the maids on both sides stepped forward and opened the seats for everyone.

"Absolutely." Zhou Xingqian and others were stunned for a moment. They are Chinese celebrities. Except for Zhang Yun, other celebrity fathers mainly follow the route of acting. For example, generals of the empire, scholars who failed the rankings, etc., they have photographed a lot.

Everyone felt that their acting skills were excellent, but in front of 'Queen Kelly', they were completely inadequate.

"Thank you, Queen Kelly." After being stunned for a moment, everyone said smoothly. At this moment, everyone has already regarded it as a rival show on the set.

Queen Kelly nodded slightly, the maid opened the dining chairs, and everyone came forward to take their seats.

Under the powerful aura of Queen Kelly, the five little bean dices rarely made trouble. They've accepted that they've been dated by the Fairy Queen, and they're lucky babies.

"Let's go."

A minute later, Queen Kelly picked up the knife and fork and motioned for Zheng Haitao and others to eat. The meals mainly include steak, fruit salad, and foie gras. Although it is not as good as Aunt Mai Li's cooking skills, it is made in the palace and the taste is really first-class.

The royal band began to play the krustrum. Follow the camera group to shoot carefully.

In this peaceful atmosphere, everyone dined happily.

"Oh my God, this kreuz plays great."

Half an hour later, everyone walked out of the banquet hall. Zhang Yun exhaled, feeling a little emotional. The crux is one of the oldest stringed instruments in Wales, and only some minority musicians will learn it through textual research. Zhang Yun studied vocal music, and he could clearly hear his profound foundation in ordinary music.

This is Castle in the Sky, Cruise Band again, I don’t know how much Datang Vacation has invested...

After coming out, everyone wandered around again, and then reluctantly left the Sky Castle.

Time is tight now. When it comes out next time, they must play it thoroughly.

"Go back." Zheng Haitao stood at the gate of the castle to see him off. After Zhou Xinggan and his group left, he pinched Zheng Lele's cheek.

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