part 07 -- all-knowing

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part 07 —- all-knowing

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part 07 —- all-knowing

Hana and Itachi sat on a long piece of wooden log beside the large bonfire, the flames warming the wind as it blew against them. The party was beginning to die down now, with most people too drunk or high to party anymore. Either that, or they were replenishing their energy to keep going all night long. Hana had no idea.

Hana quietly sipped at the water bottle Itachi had given to her, focussing on the sound of the flames flickering against the scraps that had been thrown into them. She knew it would take more than one bottle of water in order to sober up, her head still feeling light and fuzzy.

She felt guilty for making Itachi waste his night away sitting there in complete silence.

"I remember this beach," she said suddenly, noticing Itachi immediately turn his attention to her. "We rode jetski's here, didn't we?" she looked at him while waiting for his answer.

Itachi smiled again, nodding his head slightly. "You sat here on the beach and watched because you were too scared to get on one."

She let out a small laugh. "Of course I did," she mumbled, reminiscing, "I was scared of everything back then."

"You were," Itachi agreed, "but we couldn't exactly blame you. You were traumatised from the time you almost drowned."

Hana inhaled sharply through her teeth. "Yeah, I was. I still remember that feeling. I've never been so close to death," she paused for a moment, remembering that wasn't entirely true, before continuing, "I'm not scared of the water anymore. I ended up getting some swimming lessons, but by the time I had finally gotten over my fear, we had stopped coming here."

Her eyes peered behind the fire, watching the waves roll over the sand. It looked so damn beautiful at night, the moonlight casting white streaks along the water. She wished she could still see the beauty in this world when she was sober.

"I remember being sad that we weren't coming anymore. I asked my mom every year, but she always said no. I wanted to prove to you and Sasuke that I could finally swim, and that meant that I could also then play with you both."

"You always wanted to play with us but you were too shy to ask," Itachi said, staring ahead in deep thought, "your mom used to try and force you, and sometimes I would try too, but you always ended up crying. You were impossible," he chuckled.

Hana smiled at the faint memory. "Probably because I was terrified of Sasuke. He always looked angry." she let out a small sigh, "not much has changed,"

"Sasuke hasn't always been like this. He's just," Itachi paused, unsure of how to word his thoughts, "he's been through quite a lot..."

A bark caused her to flinch, snapping out of her thoughts. She turned her attention to a little Shitzu, running around aimlessly with its tail wagging. His owner, a shirtless boy in swim-shorts, walked behind him while running a towel through his drenched hair.

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