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Hello everyone!

I just wanted to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading this story.

I know that it wasn't a happy ending, and I hope you can forgive me for that. I'm a bit of a sucker for tragedies, but at the same time I do not want you to think that that was the only reason I let her die in the end.

Personally, I believe that what happened was realistic. To everyone around her, Hana seemed like she was doing well, returning to her old self, etc. She never was, she had only been getting better at hiding it. And sometimes, she would try to convince herself that others were right, that she was getting better. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

This is a reminder to check on those around you, even those who seem happy all the time. You never truly know what someone is going through, and if you yourself are struggling with anything at all, no matter how small, please reach out. Whether it's your family, friends, a professional, your boss, your teacher, your neighbour. A stranger on the internet. Anyone.

I promise you are not a burden and you will never be a burden.

Also, just wanted to mention in case you were wondering if there was a backstory to Hana's depression. There was, and it had to do with something that had happened/she had seen during her humanitarian work. It had involved a young child, and Hana had taken the blame. I hinted at it in a chapter, when Sasuke had wondered if the bad in the world had anything to do with it. I was going to go further into it, but for some reason I felt like it wasn't necessary. Depression doesn't always have a cause such as a traumatic event. I don't know now. Maybe I should have written about it? Let me know what you think. I also may make a part 2 of this book sometime in the future!

Anyway, now I'm babbling. Thank you so much for reading, I have a lot more stories coming to my page. One will be about Itachi and eventually I'll also be writing some based on Jujutsu Kaisen. I can't promise they'll all be happy endings, though!

Love you! :)

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