The Son of Chaos

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He smirked at himself when he realized how he landed. Just like a superhero he thought, finding himself in an "iron man" stance. He glanced at the crater where Tartarus was climbing out of and then back to where Annabeth and Poseidon were still watching. He could see their expressions of awe. "You guys should leave, it isn't - "

He was cut off as two blades came at him with alarming speed. He quickly dropped to the ground, avoiding being cut in half. Tartarus growled in hatred. The primordial wasn't looking to good. Ichor was coming from multiple gashes and lacerations across his body. He would not be defeated like this he thought. Growling, an evil glint filling his dark eyes as a red pulse of light began to radiate from his body.

Percy readied himself, he could sense the change. As if someone just gave him more power. 'Order.' He thought to himself. The sky darkened as Tartarus' eyes glowed a deep red. "You want to fight me!? I am the abyss; I am destruction and death."

Percy went into a defensive position, calling some of his power in case it was needed. Water tendrils weaved around Percy along with fire. What he didn't expect was for hundreds of monsters to suddenly appear and for Tartarus to disappear. The area now appeared as if it was late dusk with how dark it had gotten from the shadows and mist filling the air around them.

Percy looked around wearily, waiting for the attack. He heard the primordial shifting through the shadows, speaking softly, "So, this is the mighty Son of Chaos. Let's just see about that."

The monsters charged through the mist filled air. Percy raised his hand and squeezed it closed making some just disappear into golden dust. Feeling a huge surge of power disappear at using that power he decided to wait. Instead, he met them head on with his swords and daggers. He could see Poseidon and Annabeth fighting as well.

The air around became dense, Percy shifted to his left, turning to block, but was tackled to the ground by the Primordial. Percy grunted as he landed on his wings. His sword pushed against Tartarus' own, close to his neck.

"Order has a plan for you little Prince!" Percy was about to toss him off when Tartarus suddenly pushed his sword upward. Percy followed the movement with his own sword. That moment was used as a distraction as the Primordial whipped out a knife with his other hand and brought it down hard. The rugged edges of the knife would have embedded themselves in his stomach if Percy hadn't shifted to the side. Instead, a deep cut nicked his arm. He growled as he elbowed Tartarus in the face.

Percy had enough. The wind started blowing around him. Tartarus was flown back again. As he landed on the ground ice wrapped itself around his wrists and feet, locking him in place. Tartarus looked up at the man. The wind wisped around the hooded figure. He could see his eyes glowing a bright deep sea green color. The earth shook a little in response.

Percy didn't like letting his powers loose yet, this was necessary. And now he was over it. He walked over to the Primordial on the ground. Ichor was staining the ground. "You will not win this war. Order will not win this war. I am the Son of Chaos, Prince of the Stars. And you want to know something else?"

Percy was now at Tartarus' side. He leaned down close to his ears and whispered: "My name is Percy Jackson." Tartarus' eyes widened in realization before growling in fierce anger and was about to shout something, but Percy quickly pulled out a sword and in one movement killed the primordial.

Gold dust and ichor is all that remained of Tartarus. He was back in his domain. Back where he belonged. A chill went down his spine as memories of that place plagued his thoughts, his wings ruffled in response. The shadows and mist that had formed were now gone as the sun shone bright overhead.

Percy looked around. The fires from earlier had spread but were not destroying the cabins as his soldiers were tending to maintaining some of the destruction. 'Luke, static report." He mind-messaged. Ignoring the god of the sea and woman approaching him slowly.

'Good to hear from you, I was getting worried. Nothing major, a few wounded soldiers but no more wounded campers. There are no more monsters inside camp but there a more that one of the sectors is fighting outside the border."

'Okay, I'll handle it.'

'Wait, Perce, don't!'

Before Luke finished his sentence Percy raised his hand again and closed his eyes. He focused on all the monster's life forces and then clenched his hand closed. To all the campers fighting and his soldiers, the monsters vanished into dust before their eyes. Percy quickly dropped to one knee, breathing heavily, his wings loose, almost touching the ground. He could hear Luke's frustrated scream in the distance.

'Percy where are you? Are you still conscious?' Percy chuckled under his breath with a raspy voice. 'I'm next to the Apollo cabin."

He decided to just sit down. He didn't have the energy to try and get up yet. He didn't use that power often. He didn't like the thought of killing so many beings at one time but in situations like this it was something he would do to save his soldiers from unneeded harm. The last time he did something like this he passed out instantly and was out for a week. But that was with twice as many enemies.

His attention was drawn to the two figures now approaching.

"Are you okay?" Poseidon asked warily. Not sure who this man was.

Percy suddenly got a lump in his throat seeing both his father and fiancée standing in front of him. Fearing he would never see them again but here they were.

"Commander!!" Luke was suddenly running towards him at full speed. Percy ignored them as Luke approached. Luke was kneeling beside his friend checking over him. "Are you hurt? Why did you do that!? You know what happened last time!!"

Percy just grunted as Luke slowly brought him to his feet, wings rustling to balance him. Luke kept a hand gently on his elbow to make sure he didn't fall over. Luke suddenly realized who was standing in front of them. "Oh! Hello." He tried to deepen his voice a little.

Annabeth narrowed her stormy grey eyes. She couldn't see their faces but they both sounded familiar. She took in the way the "commander" stood. She could still see his crown shining under his hood. 'The son of chaos.'

"Who are you?" She asked.

Percy swallowed hard. Tears were already in his eyes as he took them both in again. Poseidon looked tired but okay. His eyes didn't have the same glint in them as he knew, the wound on his face had already started to heal but the faint trace of gold was still there. He looked at Annabeth as she asked the question. Her stormy grey eyes full of questions and theories. Her blonde hair has some dirt in it from fighting, but it was as golden as ever. She had a few scratches from the battle but looked good. His father and his fiancée looked at him, waiting on an answer.

Luke mind messaged him, 'hey, I'm here. You got this.' As he stepped back a few spaces. Percy took a deep breath. He was still shaky from using most of his energy, but he took a step towards them. His hood still covering his face. "I'm someone you knew once." he said smirking. "I am the Son of Chaos, and Prince of the Stars." The wind picked up in response to his title.

"But you wouldknow me as Percy Jackson." He finished, flicking his hood down.

Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos - Loyalty and FamilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora