Vamptember day 21 ~ vampire hunter

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Dante was a dedicated man.

Generational trauma had not done him well. Even if others told him he were cursed, doomed to suffer with his life choices, he didn't care. People looked at him odd. His prying stare and cold behavior stood out. He was much older than people would believe, he was much older than he had wanted to be. His white hair was a mess, and his eyes gleamed with empty hatred. You were turned not too long ago, he knew that. If he were quick, you wouldn't become a monster. He could still save you from yourself. It was far too late for him, though.

You on the other hand, weren't so quick to agree to his blade. Truly you had no idea how this man managed to climb into your bedroom window, and at this point you were too frightened to really question it. Despite your new status as a vampire, you refused to give up so easily. "Please, let's just talk about this." You knew this words meant nothing to the angry man stood in front of you, but you were desperate to keep your head. This man knew what he was doing, his movements were quick and strategic. You didn't know how much longer you could back away from his fury fueled attacks.

"I'm doing this for your own good," the young man hissed at you. "Sit still and you can sleep for good." You fell backwards, your head hitting the side of your bed. The man stood over you, eyebrows furrowed as he raised a stake. Tears spilled down your face as you shook your head. "Please.. i haven't hurt anyone!"

That crack in your voice shouldn't affect him. He should have yelled at you, call you pathetic liar. But part of him had the words stuck in his throat. Dante leaned down, his strong hand wrapped around your throat. His muscled body and strong face made him look appealing, but his eyes seemed to pierce your soul. You made no attempt to attack him, you knew that if you tried to lay a finger on him your head would be gone. "Then tell me... how do you intend to feed yourself?" His question rang through your head.  You were thirsty, sure. But you just couldn't navigate your way around it. Dante must have seen the desperate look on your face. Part of him felt bad, the other wanted you gone as soon as possible.

His hand found itself against the back of your head, looking up at him. "I'll spare you for now," he said, his words spilling out without thought.

"But one wrong move and i will crush you."

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