Yandere Robot/scientist!reader

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(With my oc Aiden, i slightly struggled writing this. Written using some of the lore of the Owlverse.)

You looked over to the humanoid robot.

Aiden, as you named it. Was an AI you had built to help with your tasks. They were rather harrowing to build, but they made far less error than your co-workers. It was a simply white shiny android with blue eyes. Stereotypical, but it worked for you. Aiden was rather slow paced, cleaning up the mess of your mishaps. You were busy working on one of your experiments, a medicine a few doctors had requested. Noticing you were missing a few ingredients, you turned. "Aiden?" The robot looked up to you. "Yes?" It asked in it's empty voice. "Could you get me the green flask." Immediately Aiden stopped what it was doing, going to retrieve the item you had asked of it.

Afterward it walked back to your side, handing you the item. "Thank you, you may continue." Aiden walked back to the spot it was cleaning. "Y/n!" You looked up, seeing one of your co-workers, Manny. "Something wrong?" You asked. "Uh yeah... have you seen Dorothy? I haven't seen her since she left for her break." You furrowed your eye brows. "She was here on her way to the break room, but i have not seen her after." Manny looked around. "Think she left?" You almost scoffed at the thought. "This is a secret facility, she really can't." Manny nodded. "Yeah, you're right. I'll keep looking." He waved before leaving, avoiding Aiden who had stopped it's duties to stare after him. "Something wrong Aiden?" The robot didn't respond, staring after Manny, still. "Hey! Earth to Aiden!" If the AI broke on you now, you would be incredibly upset. Finally, Aiden sprang back into movement. It went away from the spot it was cleaning. "Where are you going?" You asked. "Cleaning supplies," was all you got in return. Deciding to leave the robot be, you continued what you were doing.


Your concentration was shattered by the alarm going off. The white sterile halls were now glowing red from the lights. The sirens were deafening, and you covered your ears. They really ought to tone it down. But that wasn't the main concern right now. You immediately put away what you were doing, leaving the room and sprinting down the hall. Usually a voice would have alerted you of the dangers that had escaped their holding cell, a pre-recorded message. But none sounded. "Manny?" You asked, looking around. "Manny!" A small squelching sound caught your attention. It was barely audible from the blaring sirens that were starting to make your head pound. You followed the noise into a closet, you bust it open. Only to find the mangled form of your co-worker. "Manny, oh god-" you had to prevent yourself from throwing up. He was hugging his stomach, seemingly to press his horrific wounds closed. You bent down, supporting his weight on your shoulders. He could barely walk, but he still made an attempt to remain close with you.

You almost dragged Manny throughout the halls, encountering blood splatters and still beating hearts. "What got out?" You asked him. Manny struggled to produce any noise, blood spurting from his mouth. "Your.. bot." You raised your brow. "Aiden, he did this?" He nodded. "But that's not possible, he was programmed to clean, not this!" Manny didn't reply, saving the little power he had left in his body. Your mind raced, wondering if your helper bot had gone rouge. A system error, or sentience perhaps. You were very careful when you had built him.

Your way out suddenly slammed shut. All the lights shut off, safe for the siren. "What the.."


That familiar robotic voice sounded over the sirens, from the intercom.

"You're not leaving."

Your heart felt like it stopped.

"Not with him still alive."

Gently laying Manny down. You tried to remain calm. "Aiden!" You yelled out. "What on earth are you doing?!" There was a moment of silence.

"Fulfilling my task."

"What task!?"

"Clean up any mess that gets in my way."

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