𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟎 - 𝑼𝒑𝒊𝒆𝒓

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The center in the middle of the city was starting to thin out.

People were starting to leave as some of the stores closed. It was six in the afternoon, and the bell began to toll. Looking up to the top of the church, you saw the figure of a young man. You paid him no mind, but the people around you seemed confused. The more you looked at the scene, the weirder it seemed. The whole ordeal seamed unsafe as the man hung from the tower itself. If he were to fall, he'd likely not survive. You watched with bated breath until the boy yelled out a name.


The voice boomed throughout the streets from the tower. A woman next to you gasped, her body turning pale as she collapsed to the ground. This was enough for the crowd to scatter, screams seemingly fueling the man even further as he tugged on the bell even harder as he spoke out the next name.


Another person, a middle aged man, collapsed to the ground. Whilst everyone ran past you, you looked up at the bell tower of the church, frozen in place. The mans eyes were directly locked onto yours, not releasing his gaze off of you. Your name was never uttered as the bell ringing finally ceased. There was a moment of uncertainty, neither of you moving. The bell rung again.


People continued to drop as he called out name after name. Yet he never took his eyes off of you. A sort of odd police force you had never seen before had started to arrive at the scene, guns in hand as they began to evacuate the area. Slowly you got back into movement, backing away from the pale man.

It felt like he didn't agree with your actions, suddenly springing life from his frozen position and began to dash down the walls towards you. Backing away, you turned on your heel and broke into a sprint.

The police yelled at the man to get down, and you heard gunshots as the odd taskforce engaged the man.

No matter how hard your adrenaline sped you up, he was much faster than you, the now emptied streets echoed your footsteps off of the hollow old Polish architecture.  He wore old traditional Polish attire as he reached out his hands to grab you. "Come back!" Sounded the voice behind you, his voice growled in anger. "Come to me." The police demanded you stop running, stating they were trying to help you. You saw as the man got shot. This was your chance to escape. The man let out an angered cry as you found yourself near the church doors. You heard the police panicked yelling, but you couldn't hear them.

You could only hear the bells toll above you.

[This vampire revenant of Poland is created when a male child (Upiercsa if a female child) who was born with teeth dies. It is active between noon and midnight and will drain all of a person's blood (which it will regurgitate into its coffin so it can submerge itself in it. It can also climb a bell tower and start ringing the bell calling out names. Anyone who hear their name during this dies instantly. Destroying the vampire is problematic, as during cremation (the only option), the body will explode into maggots, every one of which must be destroyed less the vampire returns seeking revenge]


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