Vamptember day 17 ~ Guardian

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You drove Oscar nuts with your antics.

He didn't choose to fall in love with you, he was supposed to suck you dry of all your blood. But something about you had him reconsider, retreating back to the darkness. He had been following you on your nightly outings, protecting you every single time. The vampire had lost count of the many times he tore stalkers and drunk idiots apart for trying to harm you.

Oscar didn't attract that much suspicion. He had red dyed hair, a pair of sunglasses on his attractive pale face, a black leather jacket white a white shirt and a pair of jeans. His fingers glided over his earrings as he stuck his other hand into his pocket. You were not too far away, happily going on your nightly adventures. After all, nothing ever happened to you, you had no reason to be afraid.

Oscar lightly scoffed at himself at your ignorance. But he swore to himself that he'd protect you. Part of him wanted to worm his way into your circle of friends, maybe be your boyfriend. He could use strong sunscreen to protect himself. But he'd need an elaborate story first, too bad he was too lazy to think one up. He watched as you entered a bar, a small smirk playing on his lips. It would be way easier to keep an eye on you if you stayed in one place. Not that it mattered, usually you stayed at home. He wondered what had changed, usually you were more of a loner.

Raising his hand, Oscar ordered himself a few drinks whilst he kept his boredom at bay. You weren't doing something particularly interesting, so he let his guard down a bit. His moment of peace was short lived as someone approached you. The vampire watched in annoyance as the man attempted to buy you a drink. Slamming his shot glass onto the table, Oscar rose from his feet. The man looked over at the punk who took a seat next to you. "She's not interested, fucko. Plus i see that wedding ring. Hows the wife?" As an added bonuses he showed his sharp fangs.

As he watched the man walk away, he finally made direct eye contact with you. Well, behind his sunglasses that is. "Sorry about that, should be more careful." He playfully nudged you with his body. "What's your name? I'm Oscar." It was wall a show, Oscar damn well knew who you were, yet he still smiled when you introduced yourself. After some small talk he grinned.

"So, can i buy you a drink? I think you'd prefer stuff that isn't drugged."

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