Vamptember day 1 - Mhachkay

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A calming vacation was just what you needed.

The Turkish nights were quiet in the town you were staying at, you heard. The small superstitious population had retreated into their homes for the day. You assumed you were the only person still outside, wandering the empty streets. As you passed, your eyes landed on some posters. They promoted the supposed cursed history of the town and its bloodshed. An eerie still hung in the air, only occasionally interrupted by the hooting of owls. The air was cool, penetrating through your jacket and giving you goosebumps. People watched you from their closed windows.

The place you were staying at was roughly three kilometers from this town. The surroundings areas were deathly silent, only the sound of your feet hitting the pavement made noise. The dark pink sky signaled the end of sunset, and the beginning of night. You saw an owl perched on top of a streetlight, its eyes were open wide as it peered down at you. Without any further ado, you passed it and decided to speed through the dimly lit road. Pulling the jacket closer against your form in an attempt to keep yourself warm. The owl turned its head all the way to follow you with its piercing gaze. You only gave it a glance over your shoulder as you continued walking. You subconsciously sped up the pace, the owl burning holes in your back.

The concrete soon gave way to a simple dirt path. You looked to the mountains as the unease crept further up your spine. There were only a few old fashioned homes strewn about. An elderly lady stepped outside, waving you over. Thinking the lady needed help, you walked over. "Ma'am?" You questioned, coming face to face with the elder. "Come inside," she breathed as she leaned in closer to you. It wasn't a friendly invite, but a demand. Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked down at her. "What, why?" The woman only seemed to get irritated, glaring down the owl that sat atop a branch behind you. She seized your wrist, pulling you inside her home with whatever strength her weak old body could muster. Confused, you let her pull you along, yet you were even more on edge now. She shut the door behind the two of you, and you noted the many locks that held it in place. At least seven, you counted.

"Ma'am...?" You tried to call out, hoping to get some semblance of an explanation. "The owl," the woman scolded you. "What about the owl?" Desperation, confusion and frustration mixed within your mind. "It wants you," she replied in broken English. You peered outside the window, towards the owl still staring down at you. It sounded utterly stupid, but you couldn't leave. The keys to the many locks hung onto the woman's dress. Seeing you eye the keys, the woman sternly gestured for you to sit down. Feeling on edge, you slowly sat down, keeping your eyes on the woman, who was muttering to herself, glaring out the window a few times. "You stay here tonight." Once again it wasn't a request. You opened your mouth to protest, but no words came out. The situation was bizarre, to say the least. No matter, the woman stood firm in her position.

"So..." you tried to make conversation. "Who are you?" The woman stopped aggressively stirring the pot before looking back at you. "Aysun," she replied. You introduced yourself to the woman, who only nodded at your name. The skies had gone dark, the stars and moon the only dots of light in the night. The woman stood with tensed shoulders, peering into the pot absentmindedly. You caught her eyes drifting to the windows quite often. You assumed there must be some sort of superstition about the owls in the area. The woman set a plate in front of you, handing you some traditional food. You weren't quite sure if you should take the food, considering you absolutely didn't know this weird lady who had locked you in her house. Deciding to comply for now, you kept a keen eye on your phone. It still had cell service, but barely so. Lost in thought, you let your eyes drift to the window Aysun seemed so paranoid about.

And then you saw it.

A shadowy figure of a tall man stood just a couple of meters away. You could vaguely make out his broad chest and slight bits and pieces of his clothing. Baggy trousers gathered in tightly at the ankle, and a loose, slightly torn shirt that had a sort of v-neck. It seemed like some sort of worn traditional attire. But the most terrifying part was the round, wide glowing eyes. The same eyes you had seen on that owl.  They were completely fixated upon you, never moving when you slowly stood up. Aysun noticed your horrified appearance as she too fixated her gaze on the creature. Immediately she turned off her stove, grabbing your wrist. "Mhachkay.." she growled, her eyes full of spite as she watched the man. "What?" your voice cracked as you backed away from the window. "Monster," was the only thing she clarified. Before you could fully react to the situation, Aysun motioned for you to come to her.

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