Vamptember day 3 ~ Kosac

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Taking a sudden vacation wasn't in your plan.

But the owners of this villa paid you well to take care of their home. They even paid for your ticket to stay over. A month to take care of the house, it wasn't a bad deal at all. It was odd, the fact they asked for someone outside the area to help them. But it paid good money, so you didn't ask questions. Approaching the villa, you unlocked the door with the key you had received. The hallway was nicely polished, and you took off your shoes almost immediately.

The empty and silence home unsettled you. On the dinner table sat a note, left by the previous owners. Taking a seat on one of the chairs, you decided to read over it. In the letter they greeted you, thanking you for replying so fast and hoping your journey went well. They went on to list a few rules. Most of them seemed easy enough.

'-Don't make a mess of the place.'

'-Don't go nosing around the bedrooms.'

'-Don't touch any of the fragile, expensive items.'

'-The money on the table was your payment and for the food.'

But the weirdest was the last rule, sending shivers down your spine as you read over it a few more times.

'- Don't open the door at night. No matter who it claims to be.'

Half of you thought it was just a joke. Placed in to give you a good fright and to keep you looking over your shoulder. It wasn't too much of a problem though, not like you were planning to let anyone in during the dark hours. You had the house to yourself, and you spent the day watching movies and running errands on your laptop you had brought with.

You barely even noticed it got dark. Mindlessly scrolling on your phone, you selected a delivery service and ordered food, unfortunately everything in this town was closed. With a small sigh, you took note of the closing times for the following days. The town was deathly silent, not a soul was out on the streets. You were watching a movie when you heard soft knocking at the door. At first you thought your mind was playing tricks on you, but it slowly got louder. An unsettling feeling crept over you as you remembered the rules. The knocking got more and more desperate, and you reached over to grab a kitchen knife. Going into the hallway, you didn't turn on the lights as you peered through the peephole.


Gathering your wits, you opened the door. There was nobody there, but something else caught your eye. In front of another door stood an odd looking woman with torn clothes. And worst of all, he noticed you opening the door.  Her head twisted all the way back to look at you. Her face was blood red and her empty eyes bore into your soul. Panicked, you slammed the door shut, bolting up the stairs. It didn't take long before you heard the front door open. As quietly as you could, you hid yourself in one of the bedrooms closets. It wasn't the best, but you hoped for the best, clutching the kitchen knife to your chest. You heard the intruder investigate the first floor. You took a deep breath, trying to figure out your next moves. A part of you wanted to stay in the closet and hope for the best, but you knew it wasn't exactly the best hiding spot.

After what seemed like an eternity of silence, you heard footsteps creep up the chairs. You fought back tears and forced your breathing to slow as you peered through the slightly cracked open closet doors, you saw the tall figure of the woman come into vision, her curly brown hair was covered in dirt and her summer dress was torn. You watched as she stretched out to unnatural extents to look under the bed. Holding your knife tightly, you watched as the woman with the red face approached the closet door. You moved slightly, praying fear wouldn't paralyze you.

With a strained noise, she pulled open the door. Immediately you swung at her with your knife. Her body bent as if she didn't have a spine. Backing away, you tried making a run for the door, slamming it in her face. Racing down the stairs, you could hear the light footsteps run after you. You cried out for help, trying to run into the street, but it was too late. You felt a cold hand grab your ankle, throwing you onto the floor, hitting your head. Groaning in pain and tears streaming down your face, you were pulled into the dark halls of the villa.

Leaving your fate in the woman's hand.

[Physically this vampire has a red face and an elastic body. Totally unable to function during the day it is active at night knocking on doors in its former hometown, and drinking the blood of anyone who answers. It also spreads a mysterious and fatal disease. It must be beheaded to destroy as it is impervious to being staked.]

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