Vamptember day 25 ~ Cult leader

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Your clothing felt heavy, completely drenched.

Having to leave your car on the side of the road after the tires popped, the people of a nearby community were quick to take you in. You didn't fully trust the situation, but you were desperate to find shelter for the night. The old castle had anything but a welcoming feeling to it, in the middle of the woods.

That was quite a few days ago, and by now you had met most of the people there. They were kind and polite, but you had noted of their cult like mentality. 

Scratch that, this was a cult.

Their leader was an enigma to say the least, claimed to have lived a good five hundred years already.  Kallias was his name, and he had a small harem of five women to his side, along with five children. One for each century, he had said. You couldn't deny his dark beauty. Long wavy black hair and red eyes, wearing old fashioned robes. His children were much the same, three daughters and two sons. You didn't know how much of his story you believed, but it didn't matter.

As soon as you could fix your car, you were out of here. Breakfast was being served, and you sat down with the other cult members. On each side of you sat an elderly man and a younger girl, who you assumed to be only seven. You pitied her, hoping she would find her way out when she was an adult. You were about to take a bite out of your eggs, when you felt a pair of slim and cold hands  brush onto your cheeks. Behind you stood the towering form of Kallias, a small smile on his face. "Hello there, my little flower.. how have you slept?"

That soothing voice was enough to make anyone's knees weak, but you knew better than to trust him. His fingers found their ways underneath your chin, tilting your head up, slightly backwards to look at him. "Why don't you dine in my quarters from now on? A guest like you surely would desire the best treatment." You weren't falling for any of his indoctrination tactics, no matter how much your body wanted to give into his gentle touching. "My wives and i would love to spend more time with you."

The entire room was silent, staring at you. With fear in your eyes you saw all of the cultists smiling at you. It wasn't meant to be sinister, their expressions genuine, as if they were so happy for you. "Come now... don't keep me waiting," Kallias mumbled. With reluctance, you stood up and joined the cult leader. He took your hand, guiding you back, further into the castle and to his personal quarters.

His five wives were sat at the table. His first wife Opalea, second wife Alora, third wife Sallette, his fourth wife Anamaria and his fifth wife Ruby.  They all welcomed you to sit down, practically pulling you onto a chair. "How are you feeling today?" Opalea asked, caressing your hair, much to your discomfort. "We heard about your car accident," Ruby added. Kallias smiled, seeing his wives take such good care of you. "I'm fine," you said. "I'll just call for someone to pick me up."

Kallias frowned, shaking his head. "I don't think you fully comprehend your current position my dear." Your blood ran cold at his words. "What do you mean?" You wanted nothing more but to leave, take a hike in a random direction. Kallias leaned in closer.

"I need a wife for my six hundredth year alive."

You took a step back, your chair falling to the ground. "You can't be serious!" You absolutely weren't going to settle for some demented cult leaders sixth wife, you deserved better than that. The man stood up, his wives simply remaining in their seats. "Oh but it won't go without reward." His cold hand placed itself around your throat. "You'll bear a child of mine... and i'll grant you immortality." He grinned, revealing his sharp fangs.

"You're a vampire," you mumbled. "Indeed. And you could earn all the love and respect you have earned if you simply let me put the sixth ring on your finger, and have my child." You tore your hand away, shaking your head. Alora frowned, leaning closer to you. "Come on dearie, we're not bad people, we could be together forever, My daughter and i would love to pick out your wedding dress." You scoffed at that, causing Kallias to sigh. "You'll mother my five other children, just like the others. They already like you." you recalled how the eldest son, Othello was practically glued to your side, the young man showing clear interest into being around you.


Kallias and his wives frowned, Ruby shaking her head. "I'll be leaving."

"Dearest, wait!" You heard Kallias call out, but you refused to fall victim to his lust. Storming out of the room, you panicked as you went to find your way out, completely unnoticed. You didn't care about your stuff left behind, they could have it.

On your way out, you heard someone else call your name. Kallias' eldest son, Othello. He held a demented look of anger on his face. "Don't you dare run from me!" You turned your heel, bolting down the hallway. Before Othello could near you, you were pulled into another room. The son of the third wife, Davian, stood over you. He had always been the cold and distant type, you always heard Kallias complain about him never being home. You looked up at him, his short black hair and fancy aristocratic clothing. "Sh.." he mumbled. "Quiet and listen to me." Only giving a nod, you prayed he wouldn't tell his father.

"There is an exit via the basement,  they believe you're going through the main doors. You'll get filthy, so be quick about it. You looked grateful, him brushing the sweat off of your forehead. "Now get going before he finds you." You took off out of the room, finding your way through the halls. Seems Kallias had put his cultists on high alert and on the lookout. But true to Davian's word, the basement went largely unchecked. You swiftly entered it, quietly closing the door behind you. You only got a few steps when you heard the door open behind you. Kallias' youngest child with his fifth wife Ruby, Pamela. She seemingly had noticed your attempt to leave.

You were about to plead with her, until you saw Kallias appear from behind her. "Come my dearest," he pleaded with a frown. "I assure there is no need for envy, i treat all my wives well. Besides..." He came closer, towering over you once more.

"I think you shall be my favorite."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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