~Christmas eve~ Krampus

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You didn't like spending Christmas alone, but what choice was there really?

You were living alone far away from any friends and family you may have. It was Christmas eve and snow covered the streets and homes. Other families. You regretted staying at a vacation home. You were in the Netherlands, at the border with Germany. You hoped you would at least get in the Christmas spirit somewhat. Christmas eve was annoyingly silent for you, and you lost the urge to celebrate. You stared back out through the windows, noticing the streets were empty. You figured it was because everyone was spending time with their families.

Until you noticed the figure standing in the snow.

It was difficult to see, but looked like a hunched over humanoid with a bag over their shoulder. What seemed like two horns grew out of their head. And by the glowing eyes facing you.

It had noticed you as well.

You couldn't take your eyes off the entity. as you watched it slowly approach you. With your brain short circuiting and your critical thinking skills plummeting briefly, you waved at them. The creature tilted their head, a twisted grin on their face. You almost thought you were hallucinating. Stepping back you looked down before you peered back out the window, finding the monster now missing. You pushed back the overwhelming unease, attempting to focus on what you were doing.

Only to find the glowing eyes staring right back at you from the kitchen.

You could get a good look at them now. It was a male figure with longer hair, grey skin and a pair of horns. He held a sack and a bundle of sticks. A tail swayed around his fur covered legs. Letting out a gasp of shock, you tumbled backwards, falling head first against the window. You slid to the ground into a seating position, watching the creature come closer.

"Wie ben jij?" He asked in a deep growling voice.


"Wer bist du?"

You stared at him, he tilted his head before speaking again.

"Who are you?" You lowered your hands, moving them away from the protective position you had assumed. "Me?.. i'm Y/n. Who are you?" He stepped closer, putting the sack on the ground with a small thud. "Krampus." You had heard of that myth. A demon of Germanic folklore that came to collect the disobedient youth. But then, you couldn't understand why he was here in front of you, glowing eyes and a grinning. Not wanting to offend the demon, you decided to choose your words carefully. "What brings you here? If i may ask." A chuckle came from his throat. "You were the one that greeted me, it would be crude to ignore, would it not?" Although his words were formal, the rest was not. His tone was amused, almost taunting. You decided to try and humor the demon, hoping nothing bad would come from inviting him into your home.

"Do you uh... want to stay for the evening?"

The demon seemed slightly taken aback, his grin never leaving his face. "Staying for Christmas. Inviting bad luck by spending one of those holy days with a demon?" He erupted into laughter. You decided to take a slightly more brave approach. "I wasn't going to celebrate.. i don't have anyone to do so with."

"Do you really want me to stay?"

You gave a nod, hoping this choice would not bring your downfall. "Very well." He outstretched his claw. You first pressed yourself against the wall, but gently took it when you figured he was attempting to assist. "Alright uh... Christmas eve... how about dinner?" Krampus picked up his sack, eyeing you still. "I got food for Christmas... but i never got around to making it, you know." You pulled out a few items of food placing them on the table. Krampus stuffed his bundle of sticks into the sack, looking over your shoulder. It was a turkey, green beans, bacon, potatoes and some ingredients for Carpaccio. "How about we get started?" You asked. It seemed like the demon was unsure how to react. You wouldn't be surprised if it didn't know any manners, as he wore little more than a tattered cloth around his waist. You awkwardly pulled up a recipe on your phone as you began to prepare the food. Krampus watched you in great interest in his dark gaze. You wiped the sweat off your brow as you continued to work on it, hoping all would be well.

~I have to timeskip a bit, sorry~

The ding of the oven signaled you had to get off the couch, cutting your awkward conversation with the demon short. Krampus stood up from his seat, walking after you. Equipped with your oven mitts, you pulled out the food setting it all on the table. Krampus sat down across from you, his mouth never closing fully due to his teeth-filled grin. You handed him a plate of Carpaccio. Krampus seemed surprisingly well aware of table manners, eating with knife and fork, though his appearance seemed unkempt still. You found it slightly amusing as you ate of your own food. "So..." you hoped to break the ice. "Where do you live?" He stopped eating, his eyes meeting yours. "Alone," he grumbled. "In a cabin." You could somewhat empathize with him, you knew how that felt.

The green beans wrapped in bacon, the turkey and the baked seasoned potatoes were dishes one of the locals recommended to you. And to their credit, it was a good pick. You struggled to cut into the turkey though, your strength seemingly not enough. Krampus stood up, taking the utensils from your hands, before easily ripping the turkey into a few pieces with them. You knew better than to question it, the demon unceremoniously dumping the largest piece on your plate. You awkwardly thanked him as he sat back down. "So what brings you here?"

"To do what i have done every year up to now."

"Punishing children who have misbehaved?"

"All who misbehave, none are exception."

You gave a slow nod, as the two of you finished your meal. "I'd like to think i succeeded," you awkwardly mumbled. "I'm sorry if it wasn't." Krampus didn't look bother. "It is the nicest gesture someone has done for me." You admittedly felt a bit bad. He probably didn't have the best reputation. "Yeah, i can imagine." Krampus stood up, picking his sack. "Where are you going?" He looked back at you. "Away." As much as you didn't want to, the words slipped out of your mouth.

"Can't you stay a while longer?"

Krampus looked at you, then to the cold blizzard outside.

The naughty could wait.

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