Vamptember day 22 ~ Nocturnal party animal

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The scent of sweat filled the club as you sat at the bar.

Your day hadn't gone particularly well, and you hoped to forget everything. One person in particular stood out among the crowd of partying folk. You sat with a shot glass in your hand, watching the man at the center of it all. He clearly had everyone's attention, and you watched him out of bored curiosity. His eyes locked onto yours, and his reckless dance slowed. You averted your gaze, not really in the mood to engage with drunk banter. unfortunately the man with messy black hair with green dyed tips, a black blouse and a pair of jeans. He probably was one of the most attractive men you had ever seen.

He sat next to you, a bit close to comfort. His cologne had mixed with a mild scent of sweat and alcohol. "What's a beauty like you doing alone, huh?" He said with a smile. You shrugged, not about to tell a stranger your entire life story. "Not much of a talker, huh? That's a shame." This man really wasn't letting up when it came to you. "Don't be such a downer, let loose for once in your life." Before you could even protest, you were dragged out onto the dance floor. "Listen i really don't-" You were cut off as you were pulled flush against his chest. "You can't just go to a club and mope around."

Not too interested in struggling, you decided to give in. The night was filled with drinking and dancing, you only got drunker and drunker. The events of the day prior were leaving your mind. "Atta girl," the man teased, gently smacking your lower back. "Who even are you?" He smirked at your question. "It doesn't matter, it's one night and tomorrow nobody will even remember." A kiss was pressed onto your lips, but you couldn't feel upset at it. His face remained pushed up against yours when he spoke again.

"It's how parties work, hon."

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