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"𝐀𝐑𝐄 you okay?" Bakugou asked, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. You weren't. You were frustrated, confused, and terrified. After all that time you spent getting to know Tsukumo undercover, after everything you suffered through, you thought it was worth something.

You thought you knew him. That you could predict him. That you could keep him behind bars forever. You thought you had control. And now that you knew you didn't, you were spiraling.

It's been days since the setup, and you've hardly slept or eaten, only worked. You were currently standing in front of a board of the case you had started to build against him. Trying to figure out his next move, trying to get him before he could get you or hurt anyone else.

"I will be." Was all you said in response to Bakugou's question. He turned you to face him, studying your exhausted features. "Okay, that's it. I'm getting you out of here."

He took your hand, starting to drag you out of the room, but you jerked yourself back. "What? Katsuki, you know I can't leave. It's not safe."

"I'm not going to let you stay cramped up in this room. You'll drive yourself crazy. We won't go far, c'mon."

Bakugou had already seen how you got when you tried to push yourself when you practically worked yourself to death, and he didn't want it to happen again. He didn't want you to hurt like that again. Not if he could help it.

You saw how persistent he was on this, so you reluctantly let him drag you away. You followed him out of the building and to his car. "Can't you at least tell me where we're going?"

"Quit whining and get in the car." Was all he replied with, opening the door for you and gently pushing you inside.

You rolled your eyes, buckling yourself into your seat. Despite the anxiety and apprehension you felt..you were also relieved. There was just something about being with Bakugou that made you feel safe. Like everything is going to be okay.

You settled into your seat as he started to drive away, glancing over at him occasionally. His eyes never left the road, but he could feel your stare. "What?"

"Oh..nothing." You said, realizing you had been looking for too long. "Just..Thanks for this. You're right..I need it."

"I know. We've worked together long enough for me to know you, y'know." He remarked, making you smirk.

"Oh is that so? You know me, huh? What am I thinking about right now, then?" You teased.

"Probably about how fuckin tired and grateful you are that I'm getting you out of here." He remarked. You smiled. "Well, that's a given."

Soon enough, you had arrived at your destination. It was an apartment complex. A small one at that.

"Stay here." He told you as he unbuckled his seat belt, and got out of the car. You watched anxiously as he left, your eyes darting around nervously at your surroundings, searching for any possible threat.

In a matter of minutes, Bakugou was back with a set of keys in his hand. "Let's go."

"Are you getting me a new apartment?" You guessed as you followed him inside. "No."

He gave the old woman sitting at the front desk a little wave, before leading you over to the elevator. She smiled in return, beaming at you.

"Who's that? What's happening right now?"

"Just, give me a second. Quit asking so many questions." With a small ding, the elevator doors opened and the two of you stepped inside.

He unlocked the door to a small dingy bachelor pad. Tossing the keys on the table, he flicked on a lamp on the table.

"This is where I lived when I was first starting as a sidekick. I know it's not great or super luxurious or anything, but the owner promised me a place to stay if I ever needed it."

He gestured for you to sit down on the couch, in the living room, grabbing some pillows and blankets. "I know it doesn't look it, but it is pretty comfortable. Trust me."

He draped a blanket over the side of the couch and your waist, tossing you the remote for the TV as well. "Katsuki, this isn't necessary-"

"I don't care. Move your head." He put a pillow behind your head, only furthering your comfort.  "You don't have to sleep, but you do have to relax and distract yourself. Some time away from everything will help. And when you're ready, you'll be able to kick more ass, got it?"

You smiled at that. He wasn't helping you just out of concern for you, but for the concern of the mission too, which you appreciated.

After picking something to watch, you let yourself escape from reality, focusing on the show instead. You found yourself growing drowsy and eventually fell asleep.

During those drowsy moments, you were hardly aware of how you were leaning into Bakugou, resting your head on his shoulder. You didn't even notice that he slipped an arm around you, gently coaxing you closer to him, the warmth of his body lulling you to sleep. His fingers gently traced designs on your arm, and watching you instead of what was on tv.

Hearing you softly snore against him, he grinned to himself. Gingerly, he picked you up and carried you over to the bed, tucking you in. You were so tired that you didn't notice. You hardly moved a muscle.

He moved a hair out of your face, watching over you protectively. Your expression slightly changed, your eyebrows twitching. He would do anything to protect you. To keep you safe.

You shifted a little more, and Bakugou moved away to prevent waking you. He felt something clench in his chest as he stepped away from you, going over to sit on the couch.

He ran his hands over his face. He needs to focus on this mission. He needs to keep you safe, and in the same time, figure out all his shit.

He's so fucked.


A/N: Ik it's filler but it's cute filler so it's ok

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