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𝐘𝐎𝐔 and Bakugou didn't find Tsukumo that night, but you did find his associates. You knew you wouldn't find him. He was far too cautious and paranoid. Instead, he had his associates meet with his partners. After a simple sting operation, you got them.

You currently have the two men sitting in separate rooms, preparing to interrogate them, with Bakugou standing beside you. "So how do we want to do this?"

"What? You're not doing anything. I'm handling this." You told Bakugou, and he didn't like that. "Seriously? No way. I'm not letting you do this alone."

You groaned. "Katsuki. I'm not just your assistant, remember? I know what I'm doing, I can handle it. Interrogations are kind of my thing, after all."

Bakugou frowned. Sitting back and watching you felt wrong. He needed to do something. He was never the type to relax, especially not when it came to things like this. "You gotta let me do something."

"Fine. How about we handle Hiroto together? He seems harder to break, so you can help me with him, okay?" You asked with a sigh. God, it felt like you were babysitting him.

With that, you left into the interrogation room, while Bakugou watched from outside the two-way glass. Unsurprisingly, Tsukumo's associates didn't talk.

"The more you talk, the less time you get. But if you don't cooperate, that means you'll get just as much time as Tsukumo, if not more. With all the things he's done, that could be a death sentence. Is it really worth dying in prison just to cover for him? Even if he wouldn't do the same for you? He's just using you. You're a smart guy, Haruki. I think you know better than this." You tried to convince him.

"I told you already, I don't know anything, and if I did, the last person I would speak to would be some whore rat cop." He remarked.

You knew that was coming. Oh well, you tried being nice. Now you have to break him.

You grabbed him by his hair, slamming his head against the table, making him cry out. Blood was now gushing from his broken nose. You pinned his face further to the table, leaning over him and pressing your weight down on him.

"I'm not a cop. And you know what that means? I do whatever I want to get information. Who knows, maybe you're just useless to me and I can kill you instead." You seethed.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you. Just- just let me go." You released him, causing him to pant softly and wipe the blood from his nose, wincing in pain.

This was easier than you expected. Then again, criminals like him who always acted tough were the easiest ones to break. They were pathetic, wanting to be like someone horrible, like Tsukumo, just to have some control and power over their lives.

Bakugou sat back, watching the whole thing. He was shocked, impressed, and slightly turned on. Just a few months ago, he thought of you as his kind, ditzy aide. Never in a million years would he guess that you could be capable of this. Seeing this side of you did things to him.

"You ready to go?" You asked him, walking out of the room and wiping slightly bloody hands on your pants. You hardly seemed affected by what you just did, and that was even hotter.

Bakugou cleared his throat, tugging at his pants a little in an effort to hide his semi. "Uh, yeah, I guess."

You led him to the other interrogation room. "We'll do typical good cop bad cop routine, okay? I'll be good cop, you be bad cop. Don't be afraid to rough him up a bit. The harder you are on him, the better."

"I mean, you didn't seem to have a problem being a bad cop just now." He remarked. Honestly, he wouldn't mind seeing more of it.

"Yeah, but you pull off the intimidating look better. I mean, you're a big guy, you got that loud voice, and you just have that strong and scary energy around you. It's kind of one of your signature things. It'll work well. I can be there for comfort, and the 'womanly touch.'" You winked at him teasingly with a grin.

He tried to ignore the pink on his cheeks, taking a deep breath. He had training for this. He knows what he's doing. He needs to focus and ignore his thoughts about you.

"Evening, Hiroto. My name's _______, and this is my partner, Bakugou. But you probably know that already." You introduced, giving Bakugou a little nod to start his part.

"Let's cut to the chase. We caught you in a pretty shitty position. Your dumbass just decide to work for one of the worst men involved with organized crime in all of Japan. You don't start talking now, the easiest scenario is life in prison with a degree of conspiracy for every one of Tsukumo's crimes." He hissed.

"I would take the deal and start talking if I were you. It's the best thing that can happen. You could serve out the minimum sentence, and with good behavior, who knows what can happen." You offered.

Hiroto scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I'm not scared of prison. This ain't the first time I'm going there and it won't be the last."

"Oh, we know. We know all about your other crimes if you could even call them that. This isn't just the minimum detention facility you served before. You'll be with the worst kind of people...here, why don't I show you what it's like?" Bakugou sent an explosive hit to his face, and gave him another uppercut, making him cry out.

You kicked him between the legs to add insult to injury. Bakugou gave you a shocked look and you just shrugged with a grin. Hiroto was on his knees now, holding his stomach and groaning out.

"Want us to show you more of what prison's like? What you're going to live through every day for the rest of your life? Or do you think you've had enough?" You asked.

"Okay, okay, I'll talk. I never saw Tsukumo..just some guy paid me to make some deliveries and talk to some people. That's all." It was the same story you heard from the Haruki. One of Tsukumo's closer men had paid them to do some of his work. Once you find out who paid them, you'll get closer to figuring out where Tsukumo is.

You gave a nod to Bakugou, and prepared to leave, satisfied, when Hiroto spoke."Wait, he also..the guy also paid us to get caught. We were supposed to distract you guys and get caught by _______. Specifically her. They showed us a picture and everything. And that's it. That's all I know, I swear."

You felt shock run through you. They were a distraction. They were supposed to get caught...This was a setup.

A/N: This can't be good...

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