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𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 have been looking up for you. Sakura's going to have her baby soon, and you'll be able to see it, you and Bakugou have gotten along great, and you love your job. Not to the point that you'll drown yourself in work, though.

You've finally calmed down about the news from the Hero Commission. You know you're safe, and they're doing whatever they can to catch him. And they will catch him, after all. You know they will.

But still, it wouldn't hurt to train now and then. So that's what you're doing, as you stand in the center of the gym at Dynamight's agency with Ken at your side.

"You ready?" Ken asked as he walked across from you in the ring. You nodded in response. "You sure?"

"Yes, Ken. Let's do this." He seemed nervous. Not only for himself but for you as well. He is a big guy, after all, and is in pretty good shape. But you prefer your opponents bigger and stronger. Your quirk works better that way.

He sprinted over to you, preparing to throw a strong punch. You caught his arm before he could land the hit, activating your quirk, overpowering him, and flipping him over onto his back.

"What the hell was that?! I thought you said you were going easy on me!" He exclaimed. "You gotta tell me what your quirk does, because, what the fuck-"

"That was me going easy on you! And it's a secret." You remarked as you helped him to his feet. "You ready to go again?"

"Just give me a second." He panted softly, doubling over. It seems like you did quite a number on it. "I haven't been manhandled like that since- you know what? That's a story for a later time."

You snickered at that, before preparing yourself for another match. Little did you know that you had an audience.


Recently, there's been a bit of a lull in Bakugou's patrols and mission. Maybe it was because the pros have been doing so well, or there was a lack of villains. While it was a good thing, it left Bakugou bored.

So, he figured he'd get a little workout in, and maybe even call Kirishima over to train. But then, he saw you training with that PR representative, Keith, or something.

And you're kicking his ass. You were overpowering him with ease, despite his larger stature. You were hardly breaking a sweat. What in the world was your quirk? Bakugou was very impressed.

"No more. No more." Ken begged you, panting softly, barely able to stand. Yeah, you probably went too hard on him. "Sorry."

"You need a sparring partner?" Bakugou interjected, getting your attention. He never saw Ken so relieved and thankful. The man practically bolted once you looked away from him.

Bakugou snickered as he watched him run. "Seems like you scared him shitless."

"I didn't mean to- I was just trying to test my skill and make sure I wasn't getting too rusty." You admitted. "Eh, civies like him are way too soft. You need a pro. You're licensed, right?"

"I am, but I haven't been very active lately." You admitted. You don't know why you're nervous and second-guessing yourself. You've been able to take out the worst of the worst. He should be no harder to fight. Then again, he is number two and your boss.

"What? You scared?" He taunted, knowing your hesitance. "Hell no. Bring it."

"That's what I like to hear." He grinned. The two of you moved to the center of the ring, preparing yourselves.

The match started quickly, with Bakugou making the first move, and giving you the advantage. He swung an explosive hand at you, which you narrowly managed to dodge, trying to catch his arm. He reacted and managed to tear his arm back before you got the chance.

He was fast and fierce. Sending you back with explosions, barely giving you the chance to counter before he attacked again. He was good. If you wanted to win this, you'll have to put in a lot of effort.

So, you did. When he moved to punch you, you blocked his fist, trapping his arm and activating your quirk. You overpowered him, putting his arm behind his back and shoving him onto the ground. You used all your weight to pin him down, shoving his head to the floor, while your other stayed with his arm.

He swore under his breath. You had beaten him. After a long moment or two, you let him go. "Seems like you're all talk."

"You just got lucky. Let's go again." He remarked, nostrils flaring. His face flushed from the workout and maybe some anger and embarrassment.

The next time you go up against him, he's much more aggressive than before. Not that it's surprising, especially considering how much he hates losing. You activated your quirk, trying to overpower him, but before you could lay a hand on him, he knocked you back with a huge explosion.

You fell onto the ground, with the wind knocked out of you. Bakugou helped you to your feet, a victorious grin on his face. "Told you."

  "Whatever." You roll your eyes, preparing yourself for the next match.


As it turns out, Bakugou is a great workout partner. He's incredibly strong, quick, smart, and motivated. He won most of the matches, but you managed to get a few here and there. Rather than letting yourself get angry from his bragging and shit talk, you used it as a motivator instead, and it worked pretty well.

"You're not that bad, aide." He remarked, patting your shoulder. "Yeah, you're not that bad either, hero."

  He moved to walk away, before stopping himself and turning back to face you. You know what? I'll let you go on patrols and missions with me. If, and only if you tell me what your quirk is."

  Luckily for him, he was the only person you had been authorized to explain your quirk too. "My quirk's kind of like a sponge. Basically, if someone punches me, or moves to hit me, my body takes in their physical strength and reflects it at them. So if you punch me as hard as you can, I can punch you right back with the same amount of force, plus my own strength.

"Huh." He muttered. So that's why you were so strong. Not only could you use your strength, but your opponent's as well. That explains why the hero commission's kept you for so long. You must've been very useful.

"Get ready and bring a change of clothes. You start patrols on Monday."


A/N: Some more development for you guys!!

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