𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

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BAKUGOU made a mistake. A bad, stupid, mistake. And now, he has to pay for it.

Here he is, sitting in the empty conference room, fidgeting anxiously. He glanced over at the clock, watching as the hand ticked, counting down the seconds until his inevitable demise.

Okay, demise is a bit dramatic, but he is in some deep shit. Nothing that'll kill him, maybe a lawsuit or two, and will enrage a few powerful people.

This is because that one stupid night in his office that he's regretted ever since. He had been stressed, drowning in hero work and wedding plans, and he snapped at his personal assistant and said some things he didn't mean to say. Some bad, hurtful things.

The next thing he knew, his assistant quit and went right to the Hero Commission to complain, threatening to go a lawsuit due to bad working conditions and whatnot. He treated his employees decently, he just had one slip up.

Bakugou knows he shouldn't have snapped the way he did, and he tried apologizing countless times for it, but it was too late. Now he has to pay for his mistakes by meeting with representatives from the Hero Public Saftey Commission(AKA People with sticks so high up their ass that it comes out their mouths) and listen to their solution.

A few more minutes pass before Bakugou hears footsteps, and the door opens, revealing two men and one woman. They're all older than him and are dressed in business attire.

"Good afternoon." They greeted. Bakugou mumbled a small 'afternoon' back and shook their hands. He listened to them introduce themselves, before sitting back down in his seat.

Despite being in his late twenties, Bakugou still struggles with being civil. Sure, he's matured and gets along easier with a lot of people, he even gets along better with Midoriya, but these guys...

He couldn't stand assholes like these. They act like they're better than everyone due to their elevated social class, but they aren't. They might not believe it, but their shit stinks just as bad as anyone else's. What makes it worse is that he can't say anything about it.

He can't fight back or mouth off, or he might get his license revoked. It happened to him once and it wasn't fun. He almost lost his ranking because of it.

The three sat down at the table across from him. One of the men pulled out a binder and opened it, flipping through the pages. "So, we managed to resolve the problem with the lawsuit. She also promised she wouldn't go to the press with a small payment that will be charged to you later."

"Wait, so you paid her off? That wasn't necessary-"

"It doesn't matter. What's done is done. To prevent something like this from happening again, we picked out a new assistant for you. Actually- not an assistant, an aide." He clarified.

"She'll take on the duties of a normal assistant, but she has years of experience working in the hero field, and even has her license, so she can also do hero work as well. Once a week she will send the commission reports and when we deem you're capable of working with an assistant on your own, you'll be able to hire a new one."

Bakugou felt like tearing his hair out and screaming. An aide? They're treating him like he's five. He wanted to punch something. Instead, he kept his fists clenched and teeth gritted, somehow keeping his cool.

"She'll be coming to your agency later today so the two of you can meet." Bakugou felt one of his veins almost burst from that. He couldn't help but let his anger slip.

"So I don't get to know anything about her firsthand? How do I know that she's suitable for the position?" He seethed.

"We made sure she was qualified, and we also wanted you two to get to know each other, rather than you looking at her file." The other man chimed in. 

This is such bullshit. Bakugou took a deep breath, calming himself down. "Can't I at least know her name?" 



You didn't expect this. When you told the commission you were done working in the field, that you wanted to be transferred to an office job and live a nice, normal life, you never expected to be here.

Standing in the elevator of the number two pro hero, Dynamite's agency, holding a box full of your knick-knacks and belongings close to your chest.

This was an interesting turn of events, but life's just like that, twisting and turning you every which way. Just when you think things are going smoothly, there's always got to be something to make it bumpy.

You don't want to think of this as an obstacle, though. It's a cakewalk compared to your previous job. The shit that went down there, the people you had to face, it was traumatic and nightmare-inducing.

Then again, Dynamite doesn't seem like the easiest person to work with. There have been tons of scandals about him due to his volatile temper, and you can swear you hear something new about him every other week.

He still is well-liked though, thanks to his tenacity and his service to the public. He's ranked number three in popularity, and number two overall.

The dinging of the elevator pulled you out of your thoughts, making you realize where you are and what you're about to do. Taking a deep breath, you walked over to the front desk, where a woman you assumed to be his secretary was sitting.

"Uh, hey." You greeted awkwardly. Her eyes were glued to the computer, and if you hadn't said anything, she probably wouldn't even have noticed that you were there.

She gave you a blank stare, so you figured you'd speak first. "I'm here to meet Bakugou? I'm his new aide."

She picked up her agenda, skimming it before looking back at you. "I don't see you on his schedule."

"Well, I should be. The Hero Commission sent me." You insisted, trying to hide your annoyance. Normally, you prefer not to flash your status around, but this girl was really testing you, and you wanted to put her in her place.

Before she could respond, a gruff voice behind you spoke. "I'll deal with her, Hanako."


We love a Bitchy Bakugou 🤭 Also I'm doing Author's notes now so that's funnn

Thanks for reading!!

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