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  𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐘, your favorite thing to do has been going on patrols with Bakugou. It's pretty cool, wandering the streets with him in hero uniform, and playing hero.

You never considered yourself a hero before, even though you did have the license that qualified you as a pro. But your work wasn't like this. You were anonymous and undercover. No one knew who you were or what you were capable of.

But as a hero, it's all out in the open. People know what you do, and most of the time, they respect you for it. It's your responsibility to serve and care for them, after all.

You're not used to having so much attention. All those eyes on you, all that pressure and expectations. Pro heroes have to deal with it constantly, and it's impressive that they can handle so much on their plates.

When pros are successful, when they do succeed, that rewarding feeling is always there waiting for them. There's nothing better than that feeling. Knowing that you saved people, knowing that you made the world a better place. It's why you do what you do. It's why anyone does this job.

You also appreciate the conversations you and Bakugou have during patrols. While he is quiet and focused, he can get bored when things become uneventful. He's much more confident and truthful, leaving behind any lingering professionalism between you two. And you don't mind it.

You've also gotten to hear a few stories about him and his peers. The number one, Deku, the number six, Kirishima, number eight, Kaminari, and a few more. He told you about some of the experiences he had with them, and that he went way back with them. Back to his UA years, and even before with Deku.

You liked his stories. You even shared a few of your own. Well, you told him what you could, anyway.

Today isn't very different. It was the later portion of the night patrol with Bakugou, and you were on your way back to the agency.

"And that dumbass had to walk all the way back home covered in it." Bakugou finished, making you laugh.

"I swear, you have the craziest stories to tell." You remarked with a giggle. "Trust me, what I'm telling you is the tip of the iceberg of crazy shit. I could go on for hours and hours."

"I'd let you, to be honest. I don't think I've heard of this much drama since Sakura got into reality tv shows. Man, she would call me all the time to ramble about them. But the crazy part is everything you're telling me is real. Unless you're lying?" You cocked a suspicious eyebrow at him.

"No. I don't lie. Sure, maybe I've exaggerated a bit. But I don't lie." Bakugou confessed. "Mhm, whatever you say."

There was a beat of silence between you two, leaving you to your thoughts. "Hey, Bakugou?"

"Yeah?" He glanced over his shoulder at you, noticing your unsure tone. "Have you ever-"

The sound of a loud explosion distracted you both, forcing you to look in the distance. Not too far from you, two men ran out of the bank, carrying bags of money. One was rather large and bulky, while the other one was short and stocky.

The shorter man had flexible arms, managing to stretch them and move them with ease, using them to grab from pole to pole, jumping ahead.

Bakugou swore under his breath, pausing momentarily before chasing after them. "I'll go after the flexible freak, you go after the big one."

"Got it." It's nice that he understood your strengths and weaknesses, and knew that you had a better chance against the bigger guy than the smaller one. 

The blonde propelled himself forward, using his explosions to do so. You sprinted after the big man, catching up with him easily. Squatting down, you jumped onto him, and onto his back, clinging onto it.

The man tried to fight you off, stopping and reaching around his back, trying to grab at you. You managed to dodge his hands, punching at his jaw. 

The blow disoriented him slightly but wasn't strong enough to knock him off his feet. Shit, you hadn't gotten his strength yet. He backed himself towards the wall, and you let go of his back just before he could slam you into it, rolling onto your feet.

You moved in front of him, giving him a rough punch to his side, making him double over. "Give up. It's over. Put your hands on your head, and get on your knees."

You instructed him. But he didn't want to listen. Angrily, he punched you in the face, and while your quirk absorbed most of the blow, he hit you hard enough to send you tumbling backward. He must've had a strength enhancing quirk.

You managed feet, chasing after him as he took off once again. You could feel his strength flowing through you. Loading up his strength and yours strength, you punched him again.

This time, it was effective, and it sent him flying into the brick wall, knocking him unconscious. You smirked to yourself, happy with your success. You got him.

Bakugou walked over to you in a manner of seconds with the flexible man unconscious and slung over his shoulder. "You good?"

"Yeah, why?" You asked. "Your lip's bleeding."

You wiped away the blood, feeling a slight dull throb in your head and body from the punch. You hadn't even noticed it, your adrenaline and quirk numbing it until now.

A news crew came over to the two of you, the lights flashing and hurting your already throbbing head. "Dynamight! Any comment on your new aide? How do you feel about working with her?"

"Fuck off." He snapped, not even bothering to look the interviewers in the eye, grabbing your hand and dragging you away.


"This isn't necessary." You said, trying to push his hand away as he dabbed some gauze against your bleeding lip. He smacked your hand away, continuing to gently wipe at it. "Shut up. You helped me so now I'm helping you."

He moved away from you, before stepping away and grabbing something. An ice pack for your cheek, where you had been punched, and a bruise was beginning to form. "Here hold this."

You winced at the ice-cold feeling, holding it gently against your face. "Is your head feeling better?"

You nodded. "And you're sure you don't have a concussion."

"Yes, I'm fine, Bakugou." You reassured him. "Cut it out with that fine, bullshit. You know I don't like it. Say you're good or whatever. And when it's this late at night, just call me Katsuki."

"I'm good, Katsuki." You told him, your voice tight and irritated. He smirked at that.


Bakugou slowed to a stop in front of your apartment, looking over at you. (He insisted on driving you home, because of how late it was.) "Well, here you are. You did well today, aide. Get some rest."

"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow." You collected your things, turning to leave, before Bakugou remembered something. "Wait, _____. You were going to ask me something before those robbers. What was it?"

"Oh uh..." You hesitated for a moment. "I forgot."

"Really?" He asked you skeptically. "Yeah, damn it. The whole robbery thing totally distracted me. But uh, I'll tell you if I remember."

"Alright, fine." He mumbled, deciding to leave the subject alone.

"I'll see you later. Thanks for the ride, Katsuki."

"You're welcome. See you later." Bakugou watched as you entered the apartment complex, making sure you get home safe. He felt a warm feeling in his chest, and something strange and fluttery in his stomach. Something he hadn't felt in a long time.

As he recognized the feeling, he clenched his wheel tightly, swearing under his breath.

Yeah, he's fucked.


A/N: Oh my god I love this chapterrr

But I have a feeling you'll like the next one even more 😉

Thanks for reading!

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