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YOU are not what Bakugou was expecting. When the hero commission said they were sending over some babysitter to watch over him, especially with the level of experience they have, he expected someone much older.

Most of the people working at the Hero Commission are at least forty and over. The ones with notable ranks, anyways. He expected some snooty middle-old age woman who would be up his ass all the time about everything.

But you were a surprise...a pleasant one at that.

Even though Bakugou has no say in you working here, which he still is quite angry about, he doesn't mind it as much as he thought he would. 

You respect him and treat him like your normal boss, which he appreciates. You're also friendly and attractive which is a nice bonus.

Not that Bakugou is interested in you, of course. Your looks are just something he's noticed.

But with the positives, there are lots of negatives too. You're struggling with getting adjusted to your new area of work, and it takes a bit longer for you to understand and do things, like making photocopies, or using a xerox machine.

You make Bakugou struggle with his patience. And if it weren't for the fact that you were constantly monitoring his behavior, he'd probably yell at you by now.

Today's no different. The moment he walks through the door, he sees you struggling with the same old Xerox machine. The machine Bakugou and his secretary have tried teaching you about plenty of times before.

Seems like you really can't teach an old dog new tricks, despite all the different ways you try to explain it to them.

After he got settled, he reluctantly walked over to you, seeing that you are still struggling with it. He took a deep breath, trying his best not to sound irritated. "What are you doing?"

"Uh, I was trying to print out the schedule for today, but I couldn't figure out how to get the format on it. I know you told me how to do this like five times already, but it's still not working." You told him, embarrassment and frustration prominent in your voice.

"Let me see." You stepped aside, giving him access to the machine. He stared at it, looking down at the buttons. "You put it on the wrong settings again. Look, it's formatting, 1x1 page, then print."

"Oh, I could've sworn I tried that, but it didn't work. I guess these stupid things hate me as much as I hate them." You remarked, giggling nervously. Bakugou isn't amused.

There's a heavy awkward silence, and after a minute or two of waiting for the printer to work, he decides to make some conversation. "So, what's on the schedule today?"

"I'm not sure. I didn't look too closely at the schedule before I went to print it. But I think you have a meeting with your PR team soon." Bakugou's eyebrows raised at that. "How soon?"

"Maybe 8:30 or 9?" You shrugged, unable to remember clearly.

Your boss grew even more anxious. "______, 8:30 is in ten minutes. Which one is it?"

"Uhm..." You murmured nervously, reaching for the printer. But then, you pause, knowing if you pull the paper out, the whole printing process will stop and you'll have to start all over again.

Letting out an impatient huff, Bakugou pulled the paper from the printer, stopping the process, so he could see it. He muttered a swear under his breath, and his face changes into something full of frustration and anger. "It's 8:30."

You opened your mouth to apologize, and right before you can speak, Bakugou turned away from you. "Just, go to your desk or something."

"Wait, wait!" You called, running after him. "Don't you want me to take notes?"

He pinched his nose, squeezing his eyes shut, using the small bit of restraint he had to not yell at you. Then, he let out a long sigh. "Fine."


The meeting wasn't too bad. Just a bit boring, besides the bickering Bakugou did with the PR. It seemed like they had a tug-of-war-type dynamic. They would want something, and he would want the exact opposite and vice versa.

Somehow, everyone managed to get out of there completely unscathed, but Bakugou is as pissed as ever.

The moment you two are out of the meeting, Bakugou pulled you aside. "Listen. Since you've been struggling so much with the printer, I'm going to get you a tablet you can use and figure out the schedule there, so something like this doesn't happen again. Now, if you would...please go to your desk for a while. I need some time alone."

"Oh, okay." That is all you could reply with, barely processing his words. You stood at the door, watching as your boss stormed off to his office, shutting all the blinds.

That didn't go well. This isn't going to work if he keeps on having to hold back on you. You're his personal assistant, and it's your job to help him. But how can you help him when he's shutting you out all the time?

This is frustrating, for both him and you. But you'll give him the space he needs for a bit, and when you're ready, you'll talk it through.


A solid couple of hours passed, and which Bakugou spent cooped up in his office. Finally, you decided that enough is enough, and you go to talk with him.

"What?" He snapped, after your third knock at his door. "Uh, it's ______, and I was wondering if you wanted to talk."

After a moment or two, the door unlocked and he let you into his office. He's in his hero gear, seemingly preparing for a patrol. Shit, you really should pay closer to that schedule.

You glance over at him briefly, your eyes exploring his body. Unsurprisingly, he has a very nice physique. Well-toned and muscled, scars scattered across his revealed skin.

He's your boss and he's engaged, _______. Quit making it weird.

You told yourself, refocusing and stopping your eyes from wandering, keeping your gaze on his face. "Sorry, is this a bad time? I can come back later-"

"It's fine. What did you want to say?" He asked, adjusting the gauntlets on his hands.

"I wanted to say- I know this isn't an optimal situation for you, but I'm still working for you. And those reports? They're not going to read it, and I barely write anything, anyways. It's just some stupid scare tactic to keep you in line. So, just, don't hold back. If you have to yell, then yell. But shutting me out isn't going to help either of us."

That made him pause, and stare at you. Then, a small smirk crossed his lips. "You sure you can handle it?"

"I know I can." You grinned back.

"Alright, but just remember, you asked for it."


A/N: Well, here we go...🤭🤭🤭

Def some interesting development in this chapter

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