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"𝐘𝐎𝐔 shouldn't have done this." You told Bakugou, the moment you got the news he would be working with you. "Do you know how much danger you're putting yourself in? Not only you but your family, your friends. This isn't just typical villain work. Tsukumo has connections. He does whatever he wants."

"I know." Was all Bakugou replied with.

"And what about Camie? I'm sure she wasn't happy when she found out about this. Could you even tell her?" You remarked.

He sighed softly. "I told Camie, and yeah, she wasn't thrilled. She needs some space and so do I. I made my decision, _____. And nothing you say will convince me otherwise."

You softened at that, growing quiet. "Oh, Katsuki, I'm sorry. I didn't-"

"It's fine." He waved it off, even though it wasn't fine. "Now, do you have any more questions about my personal life? Or can we get on with this?"

You turned away from him, clicking the button on the elevator, gesturing for him to step inside. "Just so you know, these are my people, and they're not big fans of pros. They think you guys get all the glory living in the limelight while they work twice as hard, and face the worst kinds of people. So just be ready for that."

He nodded in response. "Your people, huh? How long have you worked here?"

"For the past twelve years, up until I quit and started working for you." She replied.

Twelve years...Bakugou did the math in his head. You've been doing this since you were a teenager...since you were just a kid.

The elevator dinged, signaling that they had reached their floor. It was the very last floor, underneath the building. The doors pulled open, to what looked similar to a police station.

People were spread out in groups, discussing different cases. The sound of the doors opening got their attention, making them all look over at you. Your peers smiled at you and respected you, some even greeting you with hugs, and fists bumps, handshakes, and even have their own inside jokes with you. Meanwhile, there Bakugou just received judgmental stares. You were right. They didn't like him at all.

"_______. Back so soon? You must've missed me." An older man joked, reaching over and shaking your hand. He had silver hair and a bushy mustache. "It's nice seeing you too, Daiki."

"And you must be the number two hero. What's your name again? Great Explosion Murder-"

"Just Dynamight will do. But you can call me Bakugou." He corrected him. "Alright. Well, it's an honor and a pleasure meeting you. Shall we?"

Daiki led the two of you into his office. It was small, with typical things, a desk with a photo of his family, and a monitor and desktop computer set.

On the main wall, there was a photo of Tai Tsukumo, his connections, and his victims, including a picture of you. Your face was all bruised and battered, and it made Bakugou's insides twist, a feeling of rage and sympathy running through him. You looked at the floor, unable to meet his gaze.

"As you can see, Tsukumo is a rather ruthless individual. He's cruel, cunning, and will do anything to get what he wants. He somehow managed to bribe someone on the inside to let him escape and his last known whereabouts were just outside of Tokyo. We can't risk letting him harm any more innocent people or getting back to his gang. We're currently trying to find an exact location on him, but when we do, I'll let you know. For now, it's about keeping a low profile, watching and waiting. Here are some areas we think he might be around. Your job right now is to check those places out, and let me know if you find anything."

With that, you and Bakugou left, driving around in one of the Commission's cars and checking the various places you were assigned to.

"Why did you quit?" Bakugou couldn't help but ask. You smirked at him. "I thought you only wanted to talk about work."

"Well, this is work-related...kinda. I'm just trying to make conversation, okay? Stakeouts are super boring." He remarked.

"You're the one that just had to help." You shot back, and you watched as his expression changed. You sighed. You weren't being fair. It was his decision, not yours and he did all of this for you, even though you didn't ask him to. Still, you should be grateful.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that." You apologized, taking a deep breath.

"Everyone there might seem like they're nice and they like me and all, but that's because I was good at what I did. In reality, it's hard. Really hard. You're on the road constantly, dealing with horrible people, and you don't have time for friends or relationships or anything like that. I had no one, except for Ke- Hawks, who I worked with from time to time. That's why we ended up getting so close. At some point, he was all I had."

"What about your family? What did they think about it? I mean, you must've started our young doing this..." Bakugou remarked.

"I never really had a family." You admitted. "Both my parents were addicts who did horrible things, and I tried to get away the moment I could. Unfortunately, the first opening I got was this."

Bakugou stared at you, growing quiet. He couldn't imagine what you went through. You've had a really hard life. You had no other choice but to go to the Hero Commission.

"Sorry, that killed the mood..." You laughed nervously. "No, I'm glad you told me. I'm glad you're willing to trust me like this."

Knowing that you were willing to be vulnerable around him like this made him feel good. He was unraveling the mystery that was you, seeing more and more of the real you, the one without all those barriers and secrecy.

He moved his hand closer to yours, but just before they could touch, you pulled away, seeing something. "Look, there's movement down there, in the alleyway. I think it might be him."

"Let's get him."


A/N: So Bakugou's on a break...wondering what's gonna happen 👀👀👀

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